͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

å 5õ (152)

LV47 alexҹ

2024-06-18 11:36:12 | ȸ : 189

å 5õ (152)

== t (121) ~ (140) ==


(19) t ==


@ 121. tool/tu:l/[]

[] , ,


* : ̱ [Ʈ] д´.

[ũƮ..] а

[--] ù [-] 鼭 ٽ [-]ϰ

[] õ忡 ¼ .


122. tooth/tu:ɵ/[]

[] (pl. teeth[ti:ɵ]) (ġ),


*tooth.brush/tú:ɵ.brʌ̀ʃ/ [] ĩ

*tooth.paste/tú:ɵ.pèist/ [̀] ġ


@ 123. top/tɑ:p/[Ÿ]

[] , , , , , . (Ӿ) (ȣĪ) ģ, .

you are the ~/tɑ:p/. / װ ϵ̾.

[] ְ, ù°, (uppermost), ֿ; ()

you are the ~/tɑ:p/ student. / װ ϵ л̾.

[] (-pp-) [ǥ] (with), ⿡ ̸

he ~s/tɑ:ps/[Ÿս] the list. / ״ ʵ̴.


124. torch/tɔ:rtʃ/[^()]

[] ޺, ȣյ, ,ȸ((̱) flashlight), () Ǵ


125. tor.na.do/tɔr.néi.dou/[^(). ́.]

[] (pl. (e)s)̵(̱ mississipi ī Ͼ ͷ dz()


@ 126. to.tal/tóut.l/[W ́.] or [W ́.]

[/] ü(), հ()

the club has a ~/tóut.l/ membership of 300.

/ Ŭ ü ȸ 300̴.


*to.tal.ing /tóut.əl.i/

*to.tal.ly /tóut.əl.i:/


@ 127. touch/tʌtʃ/[^]

[] - , ϴ, ,

lets keep in ~/tʌtʃ/! / 츮 ϰ !

if you touch a fire, you get burned. / ȭ Դ´.


*̱ ü :

i am (deeply) touched. / ߾.

i will be in touch. / 帱Կ.


128. tour/tuər/[()]

[] , ª , dz, (ª Ÿ) []

[] [, ] ϴ, ɾ ƴٴϴ

last year they ~ed/tuərd/[()] europe.

/ ۳⿡ ׵ ߴ.


*tour.ist/túər.ist/ [] () , , ȸ[]

*tour.ism/túər.izm/ n. ; ; .


residents commonly have positive views on the economic and some sociocultural influences of tourism on quality of life, but their reactions to environmental impacts are mixed. (2017 ) (40)

ֹε Ϲ ġ , Ϻ ȸȭ ⿡ ظ ȯ ⿡ ϴ.


129. tow/tou/[]

[] ̻(=~́ mìssile)() ̻ .

[] , (ڵ) , ϴ; ( ) ɑwɑy; ɑlong

the wrecked auto was ~ed/toud/[L] to the nearest garage.

/ 峭 ڵ εǾ.


130. to.ward/tɔ:rd/[^()]

[]ġ, Ͽ, Ͽ, - ؼ

the house faces ~/tɔ:rd/ the south. / ̴.

[] () [] , () Ͼ ϴ

i went to see what was ~/tɔ:rd/. / Ͼ .


* : ܾ ̳ Ѵ.


@ 131. tow.el/táu.əl/[Ÿ ́.]

[] Ÿ,


132. tow.er/táu.ər/[Ÿ ́.()]

[] ž, ž, , ( ) ž


@ 133. town/taun/[Ÿ]

[] , ִ , ó , ó


@ 134. toy/tɔi/[^]

[] , ϱ, ,


135. trace/treis/[Ʈ()̽]

[] ( ܿ pl.) ڱ, ڱ, ڱ

[] ڱ [Ѿư], ϴ, ư

the criminal was ~d/treist/[Ʈ()̽Ʈ] to chicago.

/ ī Ǿ.


136. track/trk/[Ʈ()^]

[] ڱ, , (pl.) ڱ. , , (λ)

[] ڸ Ѵ, ϴ, ( ) ߿

the hunter ~.ed/trkt/[Ʈ()^Ʈ] a lion to its covert.

/ ɲ ڸ Ͽ.


*cov.ert/kʌ́v.ǝrt/ ɑ. , ; , Ͼϸ, (


137. trade/treid/[Ʈ()]

[] Ÿ, , , ŷ, ,

[] Ÿϴ, ŷ[]ϴ, ȯϴ

he ~s/treidz/[Ʈ()] in rice. / ״ 縦 Ѵ.


*trade hours 9 to 8. ==ð 9ú 8ñ


138. tra.di.tion/trə.díʃ.ən/[Ʈ(). ́.]

[] , , (), ,

keep up the family ~/trə.díʃ.ən/! / ϶!


*tra.dit.ion.al/trə.díʃ.ən.əl/ [] , , ν

*traditional market. / (巿)


139. traf.fic/tŕf.ik/[Ʈ()^ ́.]

[] (), () շ, , , , ( ) ŷ

the ~/tŕf.ik/ was entirely crippled for the day.

/ Ϸ Ǿ.

[] (p., pp. -ficked[-t]/-fick.ing[-.i]) ϴ, (Ư ) ŸŸ[ŷ, ] ϴ.

i refuse to ~/tŕf.ik/ with such a liar.

/ ̷ ̿ (ŷ) ̴.


140. trag.ic/tŕdʒ.ik/[Ʈ()^ ́.]

n. (the ~) ǥ.

a. (opp.comic), , ,

the play is both comic and ~/tŕdʒ.ik/.

/ ̱⵵ ϰ ̱⵵ ϴ



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!