͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

å 5õ (157)

LV47 alexҹ

2024-06-26 11:39:00 | ȸ : 177

å 5õ (157)

== u (021) ~ (040) ==


(20) u ==


021. united states/steits/[Ÿ潺] (of america)

(the ) Ƹ޸ī ߱(: the states, america, u.s., u.s.s., usa).


022. u.ni.ver.sal/jù:.nə.və́:r.səl/[̿ ̀..() ́.]

[] (Ư ) ü, , [Ϲ] Ī

[] , [ ϴ], , η, Ϲ

i need a book of ~/jù:.nə.və́:r.səl/ ination.

/ Ѹ å ʿϴ.


023. un.i.verse/jú:.nə.və̀:rs/[̿ ́..() ̀]

[] (the ) , , ()


* : un.i.verse ܾ ȣ ״ ϸ /jú:n. ə.və̀:rs/ ȴ.

׷ ʴ´. /jú:n.-/(x) /jú:. n-/(o)


024. u.ni.ver.si.ty/jù:.nə.və́:r.sə.ti:/[̿ ̀..() ́..Ƽ]

[] մ


025. un.known/ʌ̀n.nóun/[^ ̀. ́]

[] ˷ , , ,

he did it ~/ʌ̀n.nóun/ to us. / ״ 츮 ˸ ʰ ߴ.

[] (the ) ˷ [], ()

the ~/ʌ̀n.nóun/ is always mys.te.ri.ous/mis.tíər.i.ǝs/.

and at.trac.tive/ə.tŕk.tiv/.

/ źӰ ̰ ִ.


026. un.leash/ʌ̀n.lí:ʃ/[^ ̀.()̾ ́]

[] [] Ǯ, عϴ, ( ) Ǯ

be careful when you ~/ʌ̀n.lí:ʃ/ your dog. / Ǯ .


027. un.less/ən.lés/[.() ́]

[] - , ʴ , ܿ

ill be there at six, ~/ən.lés/ the train is late.

/ 6ÿ ̴.


028. un.like/ʌ̀n.láik/[^ ̀.() ́]

[] Բ ġ [] , ٸ

john was ~/ʌ̀n.láik/ his predecessor in every way.

/ 鿡 ڿʹ ʾҴ.

[] ʰ, ޶, ʰ, ︮ ʰ

it is ~/ʌ̀n.láik/ him to be late. / ð ʴٴ ʴ.


029. un.pleas.ant/ʌ̀n.pléz.ənt/[^ ̀. ́.Ʈ]

[] , ,

u~/ʌ̀n.pléz.ənt/ or no, it is true. / ϵ ʵ, װ ̴.


030. un.tie/ʌ̀n.tái/[^ ̀.Ÿ ́]

[] (p., pp. -tied; -tying) (ŵ) Ǯ,


*un.ty.ing i/ʌ̀n.tái.i/[^ ̀.Ÿ ́.]


@ 031. un.til/ən.tíl/[.ƿ ́]

[] () , DZ

he did not go ~/ən.tíl/ morning. / ״ ħ ʾҴ.

[] , Ͽ ᱹ, ϰ ׸

he read ~/ən.tíl/ his guests arrived. / ״ մ å о.


@ 032. up/ʌp/[^]

[] (be ) *[] down/daun/

(), ö, (ӿ) (),

look ~/ʌp/ here! / ÷ٺ.

[] ( ġ ) ö(), (()Ͽ) [], (ϴ ̷κ) [] ʿ[], ( ) []

walk ~/ʌp/ a hill. / ɾ .

[] ϴ, ö󰡴, (߾); (Ŀ Ӿ) ̰ ִ

the ~/ʌp/ line / (ö) (߾).

[] , , , [ϻ(߾)ϴ]

[] () and + ÷ ڱ ϱ ϴ[ϴ]

he upped/ʌpt/[^Ʈ] and said.

/ ״ ڱ ״ .


* : 05. Ǔ /ʌ/[^] :

/ʌ/[^] [] [] Ͽ ϳ Ѵ.

[] [] ƴϸ鼭 ̴.

[] [] .


*[] Ҹ [-^]Ѵ.

׳ []ϴ Ҹ .


* : [u+] Ǵ [+u+] ̷ .

*up/ʌp/[^] us/ʌs/[^ƽ] of/ʌv/[^]

cup/kʌp/[Ŀ^] hug/hʌg/[^] mug/hʌg/[^]


*̱ ü :

up to here. / ( ) ȭ á. ̾.

up or down? / (Ϳ) ö󰡽 ǰ, ǰ?


033. up.grade/ʌ́p.grèid/[^ ́.() ̀]

[]̱, ġ, , ǻ(ǰ ǰ )

[] ( ) °ݽŰ, (ǰ) ̴, () ǰ ϴ

i have to ~/ʌ́p.grèid/ my ss first.

/ Ƿ Ѿ ؿ.


@ 034. up.hill/ʌ́p.hìl/[^ ́. ̀]

[] ġ, ()

[] , ö󰡴, ġ( ), ִ

the road is ~/ʌ́p.hìl/ all the way. / ̴.

[] ġ̸ ö, ,

follow the track ~/ʌ́p.hìl/ . / .


035. u.pon/ə.pá:n/[.ľ ́]

[] on.

* upon on :

(1) on ü .

(2) 翡 ڵ upon Ư ̿ .

(3) on Ǵ upon .

there was not a chair to sit ~/ə.pá:n/. / ϳ .

depend ~/ə.pá:n/ it, he will come. / Ʋ, ״ ´.

once ~/ə.pá:n/ a time / .

~/ə.pá:n/ my word / ͼ. .

~/ə.pá:n/ (on) the whole / ü.


036. up.per/ʌ́p.ər/[^ ́.()]

[] ( pl.) (ٴ κ Ī) (ħ) ħ

[]up 񱳱, ( ) , , () []

my ~/ʌ́p.ər/ arm was hurt. / (κ/) ƾ.


037(1). up.set/ʌ̀p.sét/[^ ̀. ́]

[] (p., pp. ; t.ting[-t.i]) , Ű,

the cat has ~/ʌ̀p.sét/ its saucer of milk. / ̰ ø ھ.


037(2). up.set/ʌ́p.sèt/[^ ́. ̀]

[] , . ȥ (), , Ż, () , ũ ȭ, ο

she has had a terrible ~/ʌ́p.sèt/. / ׳ ũ ޾Ҵ.

[] , ° , ( ) Ż ȥ, Ȳ,

i have an ~/ʌ́p.sèt/ stomach. / Ż .


*̱ ü :

i am upset. / ô ӻմϴ.


038. up.stairs/ʌ́p.stɛ́ərz/[^ ́.׾() ́]

[] 2[, ], [, ], , (̱Ӿ) Ӹ . Ӹ ִ

i was all vacant ~/ʌ́p.stɛ́ərz/ . / Ӹ ־.

[] 2,

she lives an ~/ʌ́p.stɛ́ərz/ room. / ׳ (ϳ) ִ.


039. ur.ban/ə́:r.bən/[() ́.]

[] , ȸ (), ȸdz *[] rur.al(rúər.əl)

the place bears[has] an ~/ə́:r.bən/ char.ac.ter/kǽr.ik.tǝr/.

/ ó ô.


moments of park creation are particularly telling, however, for they reveal and actualize ideas about nature and its relationship to urban society.

(2023 ) (38)

׷ ڿ ȸ 迡 ̵ 巯 ϱ Ư ǹ̰ ֽϴ.


040. urge/ə:rdʒ/[()]

[] ġ, ϴ, ϰ ϴ () ϴ, ϴ, ϴ

she ~/ə:rdʒd/[()] herself on in spite of her weariness.

/ ׳ ǷϿ ڽ ٱ .


* : weariness. <= weary y=>i +ness

wea.ry/wíə.ri:/ [] (-rier; -riest) Ƿ, ִ; ,

[] ġ ϴ

the stren.u.ous/strén.ju.ǝs/ exercise weɑ.ri.ed/wíə.ri:d/ me.

/  ƴ


*wear.i.ness [] Ƿ; ,



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!