å 6õ (163)
2024-07-02 11:51:06 | ȸ : 228
å 6õ (163)
== w (001) ~ (020) ==
(21) w ==
001. wade/weid/[֟]
[] ( ) ɾ dz; ־ ư,
[] ( ) ɾ dzʴ, (âǮ ) 鿩 ȴ
we ~d/wéid.id/[֟ ́.] through the mud.
/ 츮 ɾ.
* : 33. w /w/[]
(1). ̴ [] .
*w/w/[] ̳ ʴ´.
*what/hwa:t/[ƾ] why/hwai/[] where/hwɛər/[쿡()]
(2). ϳ .
*law/ɔ:/[()^] know/nou/[], few/fju:/[ǿ]
002. waft/wɑ:ft/[ƝƮ]
[] dz; ѹ δ ٶ, 鸲, ;
[] (üҸ ) εŰ, ϴ;
the smell ~.ed/wɑ́:f.tid/[ ́.] off. / .
the breeze wafted/wɑ́:f.tid/[Ɲ ́.] the sound of music to us.
/ ٶ Ÿ Ҹ Դ.
003. wag/wg/[^]
[] (-gg-) ( ) ̴, ,( ) ( ) ̴, (հ) ( ), (Ӹ) Ÿ
the dog ~.ged/wgd/[^ǵ] his tail.
/ .
004. wage/weidʒ/[]
[] (pl.) ӱ, (ַ ðϱֱ ), ( pl. () ,
005. wag.on,wag.gon /ẃg.ən/[^ ́.]
[] () 4, ְ, ( 2 ̻ )
# wail/weil/[]
v. Ҹ , ¢, źϴover; for⟨syn⟩ ⇨weep.
a child is ~.ing/wéil.i/[ ́.] for his mother.
/ ְ Ӵϸ ã ִ.
@ 006. waist/weist/[̽Ʈ]
[] 㸮, 㸮, 㸮 ѷ(ġ), ()
she has no ~/weist/. / ׳ ̴.
@ 007. wait/weit/[֟]
[] ٸ, ϴ, ϴ, (Ź) ߵ
please ~/weit/ a minute. / ٷ ֽÿ.
*wait.ing/wéit.i/ [] ٸ, ٸ ,
[] ٸ, ߵ
*wait.er/wéit.ər/ [] (ȣ ) ȯ(), ,
*wait.ress/wéit.ris/ [] (ȣ ) Ʈ(),
*̱ ü :
wait a minute. / ø ٸ.
@ 008. wake/weik/[֟]
[] (d [-t], woke [wouk]; d, woken [wóukən], (幰) woke; waking)
w~/weik/ me up at seven oclock sharp!
/ 7 .
@ 009. walk/wɔ:k/[^]
[] ȴ, åϴ
i sometimes ~/wɔ:k/ to school, but usually go by bus.
/ δ ɾ б ٴѴ.
* : walk [-]ϰ [-^] ϸ鼭 Ʒ Ʈ鼭 [--^]Ѵ.
l ʴ´.
work [-]ϰ [--]ϸ鼭 鼭 Ծȿ
ٰ ణ [--()-] [---ũ]Ѵ.
*walk.er/ wɔ́:k.ər/ int.Ӿ , ģ Ҹ.
n. . åϴ , å ϴ ;
he walked in joyfully, hugging his daughters. (2023 ) (45
״ Ȱ ̰ ϴ.
@ 010. wall/wɔ:l/[^]
[] , , ܺ, , , ,
a stone [brick] wall/wɔ:l/ / [].
a blank wall/wɔ:l/ / â .
w~/wɔ:ls/[^] have ears.
/ (Ӵ) Ͱ ִ,
@ 011. wal.let/wɑ́:l.it/[ƾ ́.]
[] () (׳ ) (), ٶ
012. wan.der/wɑ́:n.dər/[ƾ ́. ()]
[] ½ ((), Ŵ, ()ϴ, ( ) ұ 帣
he ~.ed/wɑ́:n.dərd/[ƾ ́. ()] in to see me this morning.
/ ħ ״ ½ ãƿԴ.
013. wane/wein/[]
[] () , , , ̳ ձ ִ
[] () *[] wax(wks, Ŀ) ۾, ,
summer is ~ing/wéin.i/[ ́.].
/ ִ.
@ 014. want/wɑ:nt/[ƾƮ]
[] Ž, ┅ ϴ
what do you ~/wɑnt/? / ϴ, ̳.
* : ̽ ̶ ǥ̴.
ϱ ص ok.
@ 015. war/wɔ:r/[^()]
[] , ο,
# war.den/wɔ́:r.dən/[^() ́.]
n. , , ; =air–raid warden; ̱ .
(б簨 ) , ̻, ӿ; ( ) , .
v. (Ʊ(ִϡ) μ) ȣϴ.
016. ware/wɛər/[쿡()]
[] (pl.) ǰ, Ǹǰ. [cf.] goods, merchandise. , ռ ǰ, (ڪ), ǰ; ┅ǰ. ( ٿ)
hardware / ö. silverware / ǰ. tableware / Ź ǰ.
[] () ɼ ִ, ʴ; , ƴ; ġ ä ִ(aware)(of).
be ~/wɛər/ of strangers who offer you a ride.
/ ʸ ¿ ְڴٰ ϴ ض
[] ɾ []ϴ; ﰡ.
w~/wɛər/ the hound! / (ɿ) .
*ware.house/wɛ́ər.hàus/ [] â, Ż, ū ;
# ward.robe/wɔ́:rd.ròub/[^() ́.()ο ̀]
[] 纹; =wardrobe trunk; ִ ħ; (Ư ) ǻ. ⦗⦘ ( ִ) Ƿ, ǻ; (ս ) ǻ()(ݻ)
my spring ~ / . have a large ~ / ִ.
@ 017. warm/wɔ:rm/[^()]
[] , ³, ,
its ~/wɔ:rm/ today. / ϱ.
018. warn/wɔ:rn/[^()]
vt. ϴ; Ͽ ϰϰ ϴ
he ~ed me of their terrible plot.
/ 鿡 ״ ˷־.
Űɑgɑinst; ϴɑgɑinst doing, not to do; to do
they were ~ed to be punctual. / ð Ű ư Ҵ.
( ) ˸, ϴof
• ~ tenant out of a house / ε ϴ.
vi. ϴ, 溸 ︮ • ~ of danger ϴ.
*warn.ing/wɔ́:r.ni/ [/] (), (), (), (), ()
019. war.rant/wɔ́:r.ənt/[^ ́.()Ʈ]
n. ٰ; ; Ǵ(authority)
we have every ~ for believing him. / ִ.
( Ǵ );
his presence is a ~ of his sincerity.
/ ⼮ ϰ ִ.
; ü
vt. ϴ; ϴ; ȭϴ
this cloth is ~ed (to be) pure wool. / õ ( ) (پ)̴.
i ~ thɑt it shall be done. / ϰڴ
~less ɑ.
*war.ran.ty/wɔ́:r.ən.ti:/ []〖〗 㺸; (); , () ٰ
@ 020. was/wəz/[]
[] be 13Ī ܼ .
the movie ~/wəz/ interesting./ ȭ ־.
was the movie interesting? ȭ ־?