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å 6õ (164)

LV47 alexҹ

2024-07-04 8:15:15 | ȸ : 169

å 6õ (164)

== w (021) ~ (040) ==


(21) w ==


@ 021. wash/wɑ:ʃ/[ƾƾ]

[] Ĵ, [, ] Ĵ, , Źϴ

w~/wɑ:ʃ/ your hands ! / ľ.


022. waste/weist/[̽Ʈ]

[] ϴ, ϴ, ( ȸ ) ġ

dont ~/weist/ food. / Ĺ .


*̱ ü :

youre wasting your time. / ʴ ð ϰ ־.


@ 023. watch/wɑ:tʃ/[ƾ]

[] Ѻ, ֽϴ, []ϴ

w~/wɑ:tʃ/ for a signal. / ȣ Ѻ.


@ 024. wat.er/wɔ́:t.ər, wɑ́t.-/[^i ́.()] Ǵ [ƾ ́.()]


[] [Ѹ]; ô; (Ĺ) ִ; () ϴ.

ϴ; () ̴; () ִ, , ħ 긮

this city is well ~.ed/wɔ́:t.ərd/[^i ́.()].

/ ô ޼ ϴ.

the smoke makes my eyes ~/wɔ́:t.ər/.

/ .


* : /wɑ́:t.ər/[ƾ ́.()] ص . ѱο .


*wa.ter.proof/wɑ́:t.ər.prù:f/ [] , ʴ 帶ö

[] , Ʈ,

[] (õ ) ó[]ϴ


025. wat.er lil.y/wɔ́:t.ər lìl.i:/[^i ́.().() ̀.]

Ĺ(pond lily).


026. watt/wɑ:t/[ƾ]


i need a light bulb of 60 watts/wɑts/.

/ 60 watt ʿϴ.


027. wave/weiv/[֟]

[] ĵ, , ĵ , 䵿, (), ĵ

[] ĵġ, ( ) , (Ӹ) ̷,

the road ~d/weivd/[֟] along the river.

/ ̷ ־.


028. wav.y/wéi.vi:/[ ́.]

[] (wavier; -iest) ĵġ, ̴[],

she has long ~/wéi.vi:/ blond hair and blue eyes.

/ ׳ Ÿ ݹ߿ Ķ ̴.


029. wax/wks/[^ڽ]

[] , ж(), , θ Ŵ ǿ ٸ


@ 030. way/wei/[]

[] , *[] road(roud) , , , (Ư) , ( pl.)

running is the easiest ~/wei/ to lose weight.

/ ޸ ս ̴.


@ 031. we/wi:/[]

[] our, us, oursĪ 1Ī ְ [] ==> (we) .

w~/wi:/ are five in our family. / 츮 ı ټ̴.


*wed/wi:d/ == we had [would, should] .

*well/wi:l/ == we shall[will] .

*were/wiə:r/ == we are .

*weve/wi:v/ == we have .


@ 032. weak/wi:k/[̟]

[] , , Ӹ

our team is not ~/wi:k/. / 츮 ʾ.

*weak.ness /wí:k.nis/


033. wealth/welɵ/[]

[] ,


034. weap.on/wép.ən/[ ́.]

[] ,


@ 035. wear/wɛər/[()]

[] ԰[Ű, ] ִ, ϰ ִ

she never ~s/wɛərs/[()] green.

/ ׳ ʴ´.

[] , Ƿ, , Ἥ ϱ, Ծ ض߸

the rug shows (signs of) ~/wɛər/.

/ ߴ.


*wear.ing/wɛ́ər.i/[́.()] or [־ ́.()]


# wea.ry/wíə.ri:/[̾ ́.()]

[] (-rier; -riest) Ƿ, ִ; ʰ withsyn⟩ ⇨tired.

, , of ( ) ġ ϴ

i was ~ with walking. / ɾ ־.

[] (p., pp. wearied [-d]; ~ing) ġ ϴ

i got weɑried with climbing. / ƴ


@ 036. weath.er/wé.ər/[ ́.()]

[] ϱ, (), *[] cli.mate(klái.mit)

how is the ~/wé.ər/ today? / ?


037. wed.ding/wéd.i/[ ́.]

[] ȥ, ȥ


@ 038. wednes.day/wénz.dèi/[ ́.̀ ̀]

[] (: w., wed.)


039. weed/wi:d/[̟]

[] , , (the ) () ()ȷ, () = marijuana.

the yard was overgrown with ~s/wi:dz/[̟].

/ 㿡 ʰ ־.

[] ʸ ̴, (ع ) ġ, ϴ

the gardener ~/wi:d/ the garden.

/ 簡 Ǯ ´.


@ 040. week/wi:k/[̟]

[] (sunday Ͽ saturday ) (Ͽ ) 7ϰ, 1ְ


*week.day/wí:k.dèi/ [] , (Ͽ Ǵ ̿ ).

[] .

*week.end/wí:k.ènd/[̟ ́.ص ̀]

[] ָ( [ ~ ħ); ָް;

[] ָ (at).

*week.ly/wí:k.li:/ [] , 1ȸ, 1ְ()


# weep /wi:p/[]

v. (p., pp. wept [wept]), , źϴfor; over

߸, () ó, þ߸.

~ ɑt a sad news 񺸸

she wept to hear the sad tale. ̾߱⸦ .

concrete walls ~ in hot weather. ũƮ Ⱑ .



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!