͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

å 6õ (021)

LV47 alexҹ

2024-08-10 11:37:13 | ȸ : 106

å 6õ (021)

== c (041) ~ (060) ==


(03) c ==


041. cas.u.al/ḱʒ.u.əl/[ij^ ́..]

[] , , , ɰ


@ 042. cat/kt/[ij^]

[] , հ


@ 043. catch/ktʃ/[ij^]

[] (p., pp. cought[kɔt]) (), Ѿư , ȹϴ


044. cath.o.lic/ḱɵ.ə.lik/[ij^ ́..()]

[] (Ư) (θ), , õֱ(roman catholic), ׸

[] (Ư) (θ) , õֱ


045. cat.tle/ḱt.l/[ij^ ́.]

[], (cows and bulls)


046. cause/kɔz/[^]

[] , , ٰ, *[] or.i.gin(ɔ́r.ə.dʒin)

[] Ǵ, Ű, - Ͽ -ϰ ϴ, ( ) ġ


047. cau.tion/kɔ́:.ʃən/[^ ́.]

[] , (carefulness), ,() (ֵ),() ¥,

[] - ɽŰ, ϴ(warn) (against).


048. cave/keiv/[ij]

[] , , ī

[] ϴ, ԸŰ, () 纸ϴ, ϴ

im all ~d/keivd/ in. / ʰ Ǿ.


049. cease/si:s/[̽]

[] ׸δ, ߴ, ʰ Ǵ

it has ~d/si:st/ raining. / ƴ.


@ 050. ceil.ing/sí:.li/[ ́.()]

[] õ(), (߾)

a fly sat on the ~/sí:l.i/. / ĸ õ忡 ɾҴ.


*seal.ing/sí:.li/[ ́.()] [], [] ٴǥ ().

[] seal л

seal/si:l/[] : [] ϴ, ϴ; ( ) Ÿ .

(ǰ ) ϴ; ϴ; Ȯϴ ϴoff; () ϴ, ( ) ϴ.

his is sealing/sí:l.i/ the envelopes/én.vǝ.lòups/.

/ ״ ϰ ִ.

*(1) : ceil.ing

1) ϳ Ǿ Ǵ

2) иǾ ϳ ǰ ϳ /ə/ Ǵ 찡 ִ.

Ģ . ceil.ing seal.ing 1) شȴ.


*(2) : -+.

ٿ д´.

ڿ ϴ ̾ ̾ ٿ д´.

cool/ku:l/ ing cool.ing/kú:l.i/ ==> /kú:.li/ ȴ.

׷ -ܸ+ ׷ ʴ. cook.ing/kúk.i/ Ծ.


051. cel.e.brate/sél.ə.brèit/[ ́..() ̀]

[] ϴ, ϴ,

we ~d/sél.ə.brèit,id/ christmas with trees and pre.sents/pri.zénts/.

/ 츮 ϰ ϸ鼭 ũ ߴ.


*cel.e.brat.ed/sél.ə.brèit.id/ [] , ˷(for). [syn.] famous.

*cel.e.bra.tion/sèl.ə.bréi.ʃən/ [] (), ǽ; ü( ). Ī, ;


052. cell/sel/[]

[] ; ( ) , .() ,


* sell/sel/[]

[] (p., pp. sold[sould]) ȴ, ŵ[Ű]ϴ, *[ buy(bai) ϴ

ill sell/sel/ it to you for $100.

/ ڳ׿ װ ޷ Ȱڳ.


# cello/tʃél.ou/[ç ́.]

[] n. (pl. ~s) it.ÿ(violoncello).


053. ce.ment/si.mént/[.Ʈ ́]

[] øƮ, ȸ, (ġ) øƮ,


054. cem.e.ter.y/sém.ə.tèr.i:/[ ́.. ̀.()]

[] , (Ư)


055. cent/sent/[Ʈ]

[] Ʈ(̱ij ȭ , 1޷ 100 1), 1Ʈ¥

one hun.dred/hʌ́n.drəd/ ~s/sents/ are one dol.lar/dɑ́l.ər/.

/ 100 cents 1 ($)̴.


* : 1 dollar == $ 01:00 = 100.00

1 cent == 00:01 $ 1/100

penny = cent



[] , , *[] smell(smel) (ɰ) İ, () ,

[] ô, ϴ, þƳ, ǽϱ ϴ

i scent/sent/ spring in the air.

/ δ ٶ ٰ .


* : cents/sents/[Ʈ](o) cents/sents/[Ʈ]=[](o)


*sent/sent/[Ʈ] send źл.

send/send/ [] (p., pp. sent/sent/) , ߼ϴ, ۽[]ϴ, () İϴ.

i sent/sent/ it already/ɔ:l.réd.i:/. / ̹ װ ¾.


* : c ڿ e, i, y /s/ ȴ.

sc e, i, y ƴ a, o, u c /k/ ȴ.

: scam /skm/

scent sc /s/ ϳ Ѵ.


@ 056. cen.ter, -tre /sén.tər/[ ́.()] *cen.tre()

[] ߽, ٽ, ߾, (),

this ar.e.a/ɛ́ər.i:.ə/ is an civ.ic/sív.ik/ ~/sén.tər/.

/ ߽().


* : [ ́.()] ok! n t ִ.


057. cen.tral/sén.trəl/[ ́.Ʈ()]

[] ߽, ߽

this theme/i:m/ is ~/sén.trəl/ to our study.

/ 츮 ̴߽.


058. cen.tu.ry/sén.tʃə.ri:/[ ́.ó.()]

[] 100,

a ~/sén.tʃə.ri:/ is a per.i.od/píər.i:.əd/ of 100 years.

/ Ⱓ̴.


059. ce.re.al/síər.i:.əl/[ ́.().]

[] ( pl.) , , ʷ


* : ȣ ܾ ce.re.al/síəriəl/ Ǿ

ܾ ״ ȣ Ű /sí.əri.əl/ ȴ.

̱ ϸ /síər.i:.əl/ ȴ. ̰ .


*se.ri.al/síər.i.əl/[ ́.().]

[] ӹ(Ź Ǵ ȭ), () 1ȸ,

i write in ~s/síər.i.əls/ about foods.

/ Ĺ ӹ .

[] ӵǴ, [Ϸ], ӹ, ()

arrange those numbers in serial/síər.i.əl/ order.

/ ڵ ȣ() ϶.


060. cer.e.mo.ny/sér.ə.mòu.ni:/[ ́.(). ̀.]

[] , ǽ, Ƿ

his low bow/bau/ was mere ~/sér.ə.mòu.ni:/.

/ Ƿ(ܼ Ƿ) ̾.


*cer.e.mo.nious.ly/sèr.ə.móu.niəs.li:/ [] ְ, ݽ , ϰ.


[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!