͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

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å 6õ (043)

LV47 alexҹ

2024-09-04 11:57:22 | ȸ : 171

å 6õ (043)

== d (181) ~ (200) ==


(04) d ==


@ 181. drop/drɑ:p/[()]

[] , ߸,

please ~/drɑ:p/ me in front of the store.

/ տ ֽÿ.


*drop.ped/drɑ:pt/[()Ʈ] źл


182. drought/draut/[()W] or drouth/drauɵ/[()]

[] , ѹ, () (Ⱓ ģ) , () ; () Ž


183. drove/drouv/[()ΟY]

[] drive .

he ~/drouv/ a big truck/trʌk/.

/ ״ ū Ʈ Ͽ.


184. drown/draun/[()]

[] ߸, ͻŰ, 컶 ϴ

he was ~.ed/draund/[()] last year.

/ ״ ۳⿡ ͻߴ.

*drown.ing/dráu.ni/[() ́.] drown л


185. drug/drʌg/[()^]

[] , ǰ,


186. drug.store/drʌ́g.stɔ̀:r/[()^ ́.^() ̀]

[]̱(() chemists shop).

the ~/drʌ́g.stɔ̀:r/ opened at 8 a.m.

/ ౹ ħ 8ÿ ȴ.


@ 187. drum/drʌm/[()^]

[] ,

beat a ~/drʌm/! / 巳 Ķ!


@ 188. dry/drai/[()]

[] (), (ϰ ϴ)

he has a ~/drai/ cough/kɔ:f/[^j].

/ ״ ħ Ѵ.

[] , ϰ ϴ

i want to ~/drai/ my wet shirts.

/ Ѵ.


189. duck/dʌk/[^]

[] (), * : drake

he wad.dl.ed/wɑ́d.ld/ like a ~/dʌk/.

/ ״ ó ڶ׵ڶ ɾ.

[] ( ) ӿ , ӿ ٰ Ӹ д.

the ducks/dʌks/ duck/dʌk/ in the water.

/ ӿ ٰ Ӹ δ.


*̱ ü :

you are a lucky duck. / ʴ Ʊ!


# due/dju:/[]

ɑ. , (ػѢ) .cf.overdue.

this bill is ~. / Ⱑ Ǿ

a bill ~ next month /

( )

the train is ~ (in) at two. / 2ÿ ̴.

~ to do · , ϱ Ǿ ִ

they are ~ to arrive here soon.

/ ׵ ⿡ Ǿ ִ.


due to , Ͽ(because of) ġ籸 ;

owing to

the event was canceled ~ to bad weather.

/ õķ Ͽ ҵƴ.

n. ޾ƾ , , 翬 Ǹ.

( pl.) ޱ, ΰ, ; պ, ȸ, , , ӱ;


190. dull/dʌl/[^]

[] , *[] keen(ki:n), sharp(ʃɑrp)

he is a ~/dʌl/ of mind. / ״ Ӹ .


191. dumb/dʌm/[^]

[] ,

she was born deaf and ~/dʌm/. / ׳ ƿ.


192. dump/dʌmp/[^]

[] (ź ) , (Ӿ) , ġ

[] н ߸, ( ) , θ

the truck ~.ed/dʌmpt/[^Ʈ] the coal on the sidewalk.

/ Ʈ ź η Ҵ.


* : no dumping! / () ô!


193(1). du.pli.cate/djú:.plə.kit/[ ́..g]

[] (Ϲ) 2 ϳ, (׸ )

this is a ~/djú:.plə.kit/. / ̰ 纻̾.

[] , ߺ, , ,

a ~/djú:.plə.kit/ license is issued

to replace a val.id/vǽl.id/ license which has been lost.

/ ȿ ̼ üϱ ߺ ̼ ˴ϴ.


193(2). du.pli.cate/djú:.plə.kèit/[ ́..ij ̀]

[] ϴ, ϴ, (ѷ) , ( ) , 纻ϴ, ϴ

dont ~/djú:.plə.kèit/ the key! / ⸦ 縦 .


# du.ra.tion/dju.réi.ʃən/[.() ́.̀]

n. (ұ), , ; ; ()

~ of flight /װü()׼() ð

of long short ~ / ܱ, ϴ ʴ.

the fact that the intensity reflects the duration of the separation as well as the level of intimacy suggests that elephants have a sense of time as well. (2020 ) (40)

и Ⱓ ģа ݿѴٴ ڳ ð ûմϴ.


194. dur.ing/djú:ər.i/[ ́.()]

[] (). ̿.

where were you ~/djúər.i/ your working hours?

/ ٹð ־?


195. dusk/dʌsk/[^ƽũ]

[] Ͼ, Ź, Ȳȥ(twilight), , ( ) .

dont enter from ~/dʌsk/ till(to) dawn/dɔ:n/.

/ Ʋ  .


@ 196. dust/dʌst/[^ƽƮ]

[] , Ƽ

wipe the ~/dʌst/! / ۾ƶ!

[] ; ûϴ(off; down). , ̷ (with).

d~/dʌst/ off a table. / å !


*dust.y/dʌ́s.ti:/ [] (dus.ti.er/ -.ti.est) , .


197. du.ty/djú:t.i:/[W ́.]

[] ǹ, , ӹ

i am on ~/djú:t.i:/. / ٹ ̾.


* : t ٿ .

׷ ٸ ڿ ٿ ʴ´.


198. dutch/dʌtʃ/[^]

[] ״, ״(), ״ []

[] (the ) ״ ( dutchman) ״


* : lets go dutch/dʌtʃ/[^]. / ڰ δ.

ģ鳢 ӿ 츮 ÷ ڴ Ѵ.

̱ ˾Ƶ´. ʴ .

lets pay each! / ! --> ü Ѵ.


199. dwell/dwel/[]

[] (p., pp. dwelt[-t]) , * live , ( ¿) ӹ

her memory ~s/dwels/[ٽ] with me.

/ ׳ ߾ ӿ 鿩 ִ.

*dwell.ing/dwél.i/ [] , ְ, ּ. [syn.] house.


200. dye/dai/[]

[] , , ,

[] (p., pp. dyed/dye.ing) ̴, []ϴ.

id like to have my hair ~d/daid/[ٟ], please.

/ Ӹ ּ.


*dyed/daid/[ٟ] dye źл


201. dy.nas.ty/dái.nəs.ti:/[ ́.ʽ.Ƽ]

[] () , ( о) (٣ʫ),



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!