͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

[л] Խ > Խ

å 6õ (050)

LV47 alexҹ

2024-09-11 11:43:24 | ȸ : 71

å 6õ (050)

== e (121) ~ (140) ==


(05) e ==


121. ex.pen.sive/ik.spén.siv/[. ́.]

[] , ; ġ.

its very ~/ik.spén.siv/. / װ ž.

he wore very expensive shirts. / ״ ſ Ծ.

*ex.pen.sive.ness/ik.spén.siv.nis/ [] , ġ,

* : ex.pen.sive/iks.pén.siv/ (x)

ex ϸ鼭 ܾ ex/iks/

/-s/ Ǹ ٿ д´.

ܾ ܰ ־ Ϸ ϱ 찡 ִ.


122. ex.per.i.ence/ik.spír.i.əns/[. ́.().]

n. , ; ɷ

i speak from ~. / 迡 ΰ ϴ ̴

experience teaches. / ؼ .

ü 繰; (pl.) ; (pl.) ü; Ӿ ȿ

vt. üϴ; ( ) δġ; Ͽ ˴how; thɑt

~ nausea / ~ difficulties / ޴.

*ex.per.i.ence.a.ble/ik.spír.i.ən.sə.bl/ ɑ.

*ex.per.i.ence.less/ik.spír.i.ən.sə.lis/ ɑ.


#(1). ex.per.i.ment/ik.spér.ə.mənt/[. ́.().Ʈ]

n. (л) ; () , õ(test)syn⟩ ⇨trial. ġ.

a new ~ in education / ο õ

a chemical ~ / ȭн


#(2). ex.per.i.ment/ik.spér.ə.mènt/[. ́.().Ʈ ̀]

vi. ϴ, õϴon; with; in

~ on animals with a new medicine / ž ϴ.


123. ex.pert/éks.pərt/[́.()Ʈ]

[] , , ,

he is an ~/éks.pərt/ in economics. / ״ .

[] ޵, , .

he is an ~/éks.pərt/ carpenter. / ״ ؾ .


124. ex.pi.ra.tion/èks.pə.réi.ʃən/[̀..() ́.]

[] , , , (Ǹ ) ȿ


125. ex.pire/ik.spáiər/[.() ́]

[] , (Ⱑ Ǿ) ȿϴ

when does your driving licence ~/ik.spáiər/?

/ (ȿ )?


126. ex.plain/ik.spléin/[. ́]

vt. иϰ ϴ, ˱ ϴ; ؼϴ

~ a persons silence ɑs consent / ƹ ħ Ƿ ؼϴ.

() ϴ; ϴ, ظϴ

~ a process of making paper / ϴ.

he ~ed (to me) thɑt they should go right away.

/ ׵ Ѵٰ, ״ () Ͽ.

vi. ؼ, ظ, ϴ.


*ex.pla.na.tion/èks.plə.néi.ʃən/ [] (ؼ), , Ǵ

one is the view that scientific explanation consists in the unification of broad bodies of phenomena under a minimal number of generalizations. (2022 ) (40)

ϳ ּ Ϲȭ ϴ ̶ Դϴ.


127. ex.plode/ik.splóud/[.L ́]

[] ߽Ű, ĿŰ, (мų̽ ) Ÿϴ, ϴ

at last his anger ~d/ik.splóud.id/[.L ́.].

/ ᱹ ȭ ȴ.


128. ex.plore/ik.splɔ́:r/[.^() ́]

[] ( ٴ ) Žϴ, ϴ, ( ) Žϴ

the city is best ~d/ik.splɔ́:rd/[.^() ́] on foot.

/ ô ɾ ϴ .


129. ex.plo.ra.tion/èks.plǝ.réi.ʃən/[̀.. () ́.]

[] , Ž, Ž; () ;

making an ~ of an unknown country will be really interesting.

/ ˷ Žϴ ̷ο ̴.


# ex.po/éks.pou/[́.]

n. ڶȸ. [ex.po.si.tion/èks.pǝ.zíʃən/]


130(1) ex.port/ik.spɔ́:rt/[.^()Ʈ ́]

[] ϴ *[] im.port(im.pɔ́rt)

the is.lands/ái.lǝnds/ ~/ik.spɔ́:rt/ sugar and fruit.

/ Ѵ.


* : export ٸ.


130(2). ex.port/éks.pɔrt/[́.^()Ʈ]

[] , ǰ; (pl.) , (),ǻ.

an ~/éks.pɔrt/ of korea / ѱ ǰ.


# ire.land/áiǝr.lǝnd/[() ́.()]

n. Ϸ α 483 , ʿ ִ.


# ice.land /áis.lǝnd/[̽ ́.()]

n. ̽ α 33 븣̿͵ ϼʿ ִ. õ ϰ ֽ α .


# is.land/ái.lǝnd/[ ́.()]

n. : is.


131. ex.pose/ik.spóuz/[. ́]

[] ( ) , , ߾

[] (޺ٶ ) , , Ű, ( ) ϴ

his foolish action ~d/ik.spóuzd/[. ́] him

to ridi.cule/ríd.i.kjù:l/[() ́..Ű].

/ Ÿ Ǿ.


132. ex.po.sure/ik.spóu.ʒər/[. ́.()]

[] , . ( ) (), ߰, ( ) , .

skin cancer is often caused

by too much ~/ik.spóu.ʒər/ to the sun.

/ Ǻξ ޺ ġ ν Ͼ .


133. ex.press/ik.sprés/[.() ́]

[] ǥϴ, Ÿ(ǥ׸ ),(ȣ ) ǥϴ

words can not ~/ik.sprés/ it.

/ ν ǥ .

[] õ, , Ư, ״,

he is the ~/ik.sprés/ image of his father.

/ ״ ƹ Ҵ.

[] (° ) , ; =express train; (the e-) (). (ȭ) , Ӵ, () ޼; ȭ, ޼۱().

the 8:00 ~/ik.sprés/ to london,

/ 8 ().

[] , ; Ӵ() (by ).

i traveled ~/ik.sprés/. / Ͽ.


134. ex.pres.sion/ik.spréʃ.ən/[.() ́.]

[] () ǥ, ǥ. ǥ.

her calm ~/ik.spréʃ.ən/ hid her inward panic.

/ ׳ ǥ ߰ ־.


135. ex.tend/ik.sténd/[.ĵ ́]

[] ( ) , , ( ) ġ, (Ÿ) ϴ 

~ ones right arm /

~ ones hand to a person / (ǼϷ) ƹ д.

his absence ~s/ik.sténds/[.ĵ彺 ́] to five days.

/ Ἦϼ ȴ.


*ex.ten.sion/ik.stén.ʃən/ [] (), , ,


# ex.tent/ik.stént/[.Ʈ ́]

n. , ũ, . Ȱ

a vast ~ of land / .

󰆴 ; , Ѱ, ѵ

sing at the full ~ of ones lungs / û 뷡ϴ.


̱з; ; ̱з( з ź()).


136. ex.ter.nal/ik.stə́:r.nəl/[.;() ́.]

[] ܺ, ܸ, ܰ *[] in.ter.nal(in.tə́r.nəl) ܺο( ),

for ~/ik.stə́:r.nəl/ use only. / ܿ(),


137. ex.tin.guish/ik.stí.gwiʃ/[. ́.׿̾]

[] ( ) , (ȭ縦) ȭŰ, ( ) ҸŰ

fire fighters tried to ~/ik.stí.gwiʃ/ the flames.

/ ҹ ұ ָ .

*ex.tin.guish.er/iks.tí.gwiʃ.ər/ [] [], ȭ

*quench/kwentʃ/ [] ( ) (extinguish) ( ) Ǯ


138. ex.tra/éks.trə/[́.Ʈ()]

[] , Ư , ǰ [] , ӽ, Ư

dinner costs 5, and wine (is) ~/éks.trə/.

/ Ļ 5޷ ().

[] Ư, ,

* ~/éks.trə/[́.Ʈ()] large / Ư


139. ex.treme/ik.strí:m/[.Ʈ() ́]

[] ش, ص, ġ

e~s/ik.strí:ms/[.Ʈ()ӽ ́] meet.

/ (Ӵ) ش ġѴ.

[] ش, ص

we are working under ~/ik.strí:m/ pressure at the moment.

/ 츮 ص Ʈ ϰ ִ.


*ex.treme.ly/ik.strí:m.li:/ [] ش(), ص, , ,


@ 140. eye/ai/[]

[] ,

keep your an ~/ai/ on him! / ϶!



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!