͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

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å 6õ (055)

LV47 alexҹ

2024-09-16 11:41:30 | ȸ : 93

å 6õ (055)

== f (081) ~ (100) ==


(06) f ==


081. flee/fli:/[]

[] (p., pp. fled [fled]; fléeing) ޾Ƴ, from; ϴfrom

he is flee.ing/flí:.i/[ ́.] at the sight of his enemy.

/ ״ ġ ִ


082. flesh/fleʃ/[־]

[] (׿ Ͽ); (the ) ü(body) (plumpness), ü (the )

[] (ɰ) ڱ⸦ ڱ(н)ϴ, [] ͼ ϴ


# flew/flu:/[]

fly .


083. flight/flait/[Ɵ]

[] , () [] () .

a flock/flɑ:k/ of birds is ~.ing/flɑ́it.i/[Ɵ ́.] over the water.

/ ִ.


084. float/flout/[W]

[] ߴ[] , ()

[] ߴ, , , (ҹ) ۶߸

a nasty rumor about him is ~.ing/flóut.i/[W ́.] around town.

/ ׿ ߹ ִ.


085. flood/flʌd/[^]

[] ȫ, ū, ,

[] ȫ( ), (Ű), ()

sunlight ~.ed/flʌ́d.id/[^ ́.] into the room.

/ ޺ ȯ ̺ƴ.


* : flood.ed/flʌ́d.id/ed پ źл

Ģȭ .

<ٸ б ܾ> step 12 : Ģȭ ed .


@ 086. floor/flɔr/[^()]

[] , , (ź) ۾, (ǹ)

first ~/flɔ:r/, second ~/flɔ:r/. / 1, 2


087. floss/flɔs, flas/[^] or [ƽ]

[] ּ, , Ǯ, ()

[] ( ̸) dental floss Ἥ ϴ.

how often do you ~/flas/ ? / 󸶳 ġ ϼ?


@ 088. flour/flauər/[ƿ()]

[] , (Ư) а,

i want to buy a bag of ~/flauər/.

/ а ʹ.


* : 16. /au/[ƿ]

׶ [-]ϰ ٽ Լ ణ и[-]Ѵ.

[ ow, ou ] ´.

* flow.er/fláu.ər/[ƿ ́.()] how/hau/[Ͽ]


flour/flauər/[ƿ()] house/haus/[Ͽ콺



* : flour/flauər/(x) /fláuər/(x) /flauər/(o) flour/flaur/(o)

/ə/ ٸ r ʿ

/ə/ ϰų ǥ ƾ Ѵ.

ܾ .


089. flow/flou/[]

[] , , ()

rivers ~/flou/ into the ocean.

/ ٴٷ 귯.


*̱ ü :

follow me. / .


@ 090. flow.er/fláu.ər/[ƿ ́.()]

[] , ǿ Ĺ, (Ư) ȭ, Ĺ

i want to buy a bun.dle/bʌ́n.dl/[^ ́.] of ~/fláu.ər/.

/ ٹ ʹ.


* : а flour/flauər/[ƿ()] ǰ !

ܾ ְ а ܾ .


flour our our/auər/[ƿ()] ()we .

ǰ ⿡ տ fl/fl/[] flour/flauər/[ƿ()]

Ǿ ܾ ܾ ȴ.

⳪ θ ܾ ƴ.

Ȯ ʴ ۸ .


* : flow.er/fláu.ər/[ƿ ́.()]

[́-.()] Ҹ 鸮 Ѵ.( ϰ)

() Ը ׷ Ҹ ϰ Ǵ

Ҹ ϸ ȴ.


* : google " howmanysyllables.com " â 鼭

search dictionary " ´. "flower" ´.

"flour" ٽ ܾ غ.


*̱ : flower & flour

<flower> how many syllables

how many syllables in flower? 2 syllables ( )

divide flower into syllables: flow-er ( )

stressed syllable in flower: flow-er ()

how to pronounce flower: fl-ow-er ( )


<flour> how many syllables

how many syllables in flour? 1 syllable ( )

divide flour into syllables: flour ( )

syllable stress: flour ( )

how to pronounce flour: fl-ow-r ( )



ϳ 鼭 ̰ ϳ ̴ܾ.

ְ д ܾ

ó д ܾ ̸ .

׵ и ٸ Ѵ.


091. flu/flu:/[]

[] =influenza.


* : [] [--]ϰ [-]ϰ 鼭

ٽ [---]ؾ ´. Ҹ ŵϸ ȴ.


092. flue/flu:/[]

[] () (Գ); (óȯ) ۱(Ѩη); (Ϸ) (η); ( ) (η).


093. flu.ent/flú:.ənt/[ ́.Ʈ]

[] â, ħ, ɺ, (Ŀ ) ƶ,

i think she is ~/flú:.ənt/ in english.

/ ׳డ  âϴٰ .


094. flu.id/flú:.id/[ ́.]

[] ü, ü, (üü), (Ĺ) к

[] ü[] *[] sol.id(sɑ́l.id) , Ҿ

the situation is still highly ~/flú:.id/.

/ ſ ̴.


@ 095. fly/flai/[]

[] (flew [flu]; flown [floun]) ( ) . () ϴ

a ~/flai/ sat on my nose.

/ ĸ ɾҴ.


*fly.ing/flɑ́i.i/ == fly л,

*flown /floun/[]


096. fo.cus/fóu.kəs/[ ́.Ŀ]

[] (pl. es) ,

[] (Ʈ) ߴ, ̴

it will ~/fóu.kəs/ on money issues.

/ ؼ ̾߱ ̴.


* : [́Ŀ](x)


in all these domains, craftsmanship focuses on objective standards, on the thing in itself. (2023 ) (40)

, 繰 ü ϴ.


097. fog/fɔ:g, fɑ:g/[^, ľ]

[] (£) Ȱ, (), , ȥ, Ȳ


*fog.gy/fɑ́g.i:/ [] (-gier; -giest) Ȱ , () Ӹ 帮۵,

*sog.gy/sάg.i:/ [] (-gier; -giest) (soaked); ( ) ; ( ) ;


* : ܾ ణ .

fog/fag/[]=>[ľ](o) fog.gy/fɑ́g.i:/[ľ ́.](o)


098. fold/fould/[]

[] ָ, ڸ, (), () Ÿ

[] , , (Ҹ) Ⱦ ø, (ٸ ) θ, ()

dont ~/fould/[] the bill!

/ !

*fold.ing /fóul.di/[ ́.]


099. folk/fouk/[V]

[] (pl.) , ( ̱ 㹰 ǥ ) (pl.) () , ģô, , . μ .

[] , , μ, ΰ(); ο(), μ .

good morning, ~s/fouks/[V] ! / ȳϽʴϱ, .

~/fouk/ song/sɔ/ / μ

~/fouk/ med.i.cine/méd.ə.sən/ / ΰǷ


* : polk/poulk/[ũ] vi. ī ߴ.


@ 100. fol.low/fɑ́:l.ou/[ľ ́.]

[] , i, ϴ

f~/fɑ́l.ou/ me! / !


*fol.low.er/fɑ́:l.ou.ər/ [] , , (), (м) , ź

*fol.low.ing/fɑ́:l.ou.i/ [] , ڿ [] , ź,

[] ̾, ڿ



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ּ!!