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< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (005)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 442 õ 0 2023-08-29 11:34:59
[ ]

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (005)

== a (01) (081~100) ==


(01) a ==


081. a.gent/éi.dʒənt/[ ́.Ʈ]

[] , , , ȸ Ǹſ

he is an ~/éi.dʒənt/ for sam sung.

/ ״ Z븮̾.


082. ag.i.tate/́dʒ.ə.tèit/[^ ́..Ÿ ̀]

[] ϰ ̴, , () Ű, нŰ

she was ~d/́dʒ.ə.tèit.id/ by grief/gri:f/.

/ ׳ Ҿ.


*ag.i.ta.tion/̀dʒ.ə.téi.ʃən/ [] (ν) , , ,


@ 083. a.go/ə.góu/[. ́]

[/] (ݺ) *[] be.fore(bi.fɔ́:r)

i met him two days ~/ə.góu/.

/ Ʋ ׸ .


# a.gree/ə.grí:/[.() ́]

vi. (p., pp. ~d; ~ing) ϴ, i quite ~. ̴

ǰ ´, they ~d ɑmong themselves. ׵ ǰ ġߴ

´, they cannot ~. ׵ ̴ ʴ


his statements do not ~ with the facts. ǰ ġ ʴ´.

(Ī ) ġȣϴwith

the predicate verb must ~ with its subject in person and number. Ī ־ ־ ġؾ Ѵ.


vt. () ϴ,

i ~ thɑt he is the ablest of us. 츮  װ Ѵ.

ַ ( ڿ) ϴ; ( ) ϴ i must ~ your plans. ȹ ϴ.


*a.gree.ment/ə.grí:.mənt/ n. ġ, , , , ³


== ( 1) ==

i agreed/ə.grí:d/[.() ́] with him about it.

/ װͿ ׿ .

־(i) + (agreed) + ľ(with him) + ľ(about it)


085. ah/ɑ:/[ƾ]

[] ƾ ϴ ߼(ۡ).

[] ƾ!(ź Ÿ).

ah/ɑ:/, but/bʌt/ --

/ ׷ ̾.


086. a.head/ə.héd/[.P ́]

[] ʿ, ռ

go ~/ə.héd/ ! / ().

[] [] ִ, [] ִ

we are five points ~/ə.héd/. / 5 ϰ ־.


087. aid/eid/[֟]

[] ϴ, , ŵ *[] help(help) ϴ

he ~.ed/éid.id/ his poor friends.

/ ״ ģ Դ.


088. ail/eil/[]

[] ο, , .

[] , ִ be ailing ; ()

what ~s/eils/ you?

/ ų; .


089. aim/eim/[]

[] ܳ ϴ, ܴ , ǥ

what do you ~/eim/ at?

/  ̳?

[] ܳ, , , ǥ, , ȹ. *[] pur.pose(pə́:r.pəs)

what is your ~/eim/ in life?

/ ڳ λ ǥ ΰ.


*aim.less/éim.lis/ [] [ǥ]; ó .


090. aint/eint/[Ʈ]

am not, are not, is not, have not, has not

he ~/eint/ here.

/ ״ .


@ 091. air/ɛər/[()]

[] , ϴ, ,

a bird is fly.ing/flɑ́i.i/ in the/i:/ ~/ɛər/.

/ ֿ ִ.


ill meet you at the air.port/έǝr.pɔ̀:rt/.

/ ׿ ˰ڽϴ.

 Īϴ ˱ (the) .


*air.mail/ɛ́ər.mèil/ [] װ. [opp.] surface mail.

*air.plane/ɛ́ər.plèin/ []̱

*air.port/έǝr.pɔ̀:rt/[() ́.^()Ʈ ̀] []


092. ais.le/ail/[] or [](ok)

[]̱ (¼ ǹ ) ; .


* : ̱ l ܾ []Ǵ [].


093. a.larm/ə.lɑ́:rm/[.()() ́]

[] ,

people gath.er.ed/gǽ.ǝrd/ quick.ly/kwík.li:/ at the ~/ə.lɑ́:rm/.

/ 溸 Ͽ.

[] 溸 ϴ, ˸

it will be ~.ed/ə.lɑ́:rmd/.

/ 溸 ︱ ̴.


*a.larm.ing/ə.lɑ́:r.mi/ [] , [Ҿ]; ( ) ޹.


@ 094. al.bum/́l.bəm/[^ ́.]

[] ٹ(øǥø ); []ø; Ǻ ö

i saw/sɔ:/ my old ~/́l.bəm/.

/ ٹ Ҵ.


095. ale/eil/[]

[] lager beer ϳ, porter


096. a.lert/ə.lə́:rt/[.()()Ʈ ́]

[] (ü); (alarm).

dis.plays/dis.pléi:/ the time the ~/ə.lə́:rt/ oc.curr.ed/ǝ.kə́:rd/.

/ ߻ ð ǥմϴ.

[] Ű, 溸 ϴ, ϴ

they ~/ə.lə́:rt/ people

to the dan.gers/déin.dʒǝrs/ of smoking.

/ ׵ Ѵ.

[] ʴ, ()

the sub.ject/sʌ́b.dʒikt/ of the ~/ə.lə́:rt/[.()()Ʈ ́] email.



*(1). sub.ject/səb.dʒékt/[.́] [] []Ű, ϰ ϴ

*(2). sub.ject/sʌ́b.dʒikt/[^ ́.Ʈ] [] , , , а,־

[] 踦 ޴, ϴ, ϴ


097. al.i.bi/́l.ə.bài/[^ ́.. ̀]

[] () (ƹ) ˸̸ ϴ.

he ~.ed/́l.ə.bàid/ for being late.

/ ״ .

[] (pl. s) , ˸; () (excuse)

i dont think he is a sus.pect/sʌ́s.pekt/

because he has an ~/́l.ə.bài/.

/ ״ ˸̰ ֱ , ׸ ڶ ʾ.


*(1). sus.pect/sə.spékt/[.́]

[] ǽϴ, ( ) Dz [˾ä]

*(2). sus.pect/sʌ́s.pekt/[^ƽ ́. ]

[] , , ι. [] ǽɽ, [½]


098. a.like/ə.láik/[.() ́]

[] ,

they are all ~/ə.láik/ to me.

/ ׵ ־ .

[] Ȱ,

young and old ~/ə.láik/.

/ ̳ ̳


099. a.live/ə.láiv/[.() ́]

[] ִ, *[] dead(ded) *[] liv.ing(lív.i) ŷ, [dz](with), ִ, Ȱ , ϰ ִ

i kept a fire ~/ə.láiv/. / ( ʰ) ξ.


@ 100. all/ɔ:l/[^]

[] , , ü, () (only)

come on in ~/ɔ:l/ of you! / !


* : 12. /ɔ/[^] :

[]ϴ ٽ Ʒ Ʈ鼭 []Ѵ.

[] [] ƴϸ鼭 ̶ Ѵ.

ο Ͽ Ʒ ; Ѵ.

[] [] ̴ Ѵ.

[au, aw, a, o ] ´.

* au.to/ɔ́:t.ou/[^i ́.] law/ɔ/[()^] call/kɔ:l/[^]



* : all time & all the time?

all time

all-time ô븦 ʿ,

at all time ׻,

of all time [ݲ]


all the time ٰ, , Ű

work all the time ݽõ ʴ´.

talk all the time ̴.

it happens all the time. ׻ ִ ̴( ÿ)


*̱ ü : i am all set. غ !

its all right. ϴ.

is that all? װ ο?

thats all? װ پ?

thats all right. ƿ.

thats all there is to it. װ .



LV47alexҹ ٸ [ ]
A~Z( 31 )
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å 6õ (164)
A~Z( 30 )

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