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< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (029)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 330 õ 0 2023-10-05 11:54:41
[ ]

                   < ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (029)

                           == (03) c (141~160) ==


(03) c ==


@ 141. col.or,-our /kʌ́l.ər/[Ŀ^ ́.()] *colour ()

[] , , ä

i like this ~/kʌ́l.ər/. / Ѵ.

[] [ä]ϴ(dye), () (up), , ()

everyone stared/stɛərd/ at him,

and he ~.ed/kʌ́l.ərd/[Ŀ^ ́.()] slight.ly/sláit.li:/.

/ ΰ ׸ ĴٺҰ, ׷ ״ ణ .


@ 142. comb/koum/[ڿ]

[] , ϴ ⱸ,

pass me/mi:/ that ~/koum/ !

/ Է .

[] ϴ, (ĵ) Ű ġڴ, ö[] ã

she ~s/koums/[ڿ] her fin.ger/fí.gər/ through/ɵru:/ her hair.

/ ׳ ׳ Ӹ .


* : b m ִ ܾ b ϴ 찡 .(Ģ ƴ)

۸ ƾ ϰų, ؾ ؼ .


143. com.bine/kəm.báin/[. ́]

[] սŰ, պ, յŰ, ϴ; ( ) ϴ

c~/kəm.báin/ two parties into one.

/ ϳ ġ.


*com.bin.ed /kəm.báind/[.ε ́]


@ 144. come/kʌm/[Ŀ^]

[] (came [keim]; come) , (濡 Ǵ ) .

* come, go , 츮 ݵ ġ .

i will come home when i finish my homework.

/ ġ ̴.

־(i) + (will come) + λ(home) + λ(when i finish my homework)

when ȿ (finish)

when ü λ ϹǷ λ


* : <ȭ Ʒ ϸ>

*i am coming. / (ſԷ) ִ.

*i am going. / (Ű ݴ) ִ.


* : come & calm

come [Ŀ^]ϸ鼭 ٷ [-^] ϳ Ѵ.

[] 鸮 ڰ [į].

calm ׶ ƹ δ [į]ϸ ȴ.

l ȴ.


*com.ing/kʌ́m.i/ [] (ٰ), () â ȸ , 巡 ִ

[] ; (the c-) ׸ 縲.


*̱ ü : come and get it. ͼ .; ͼ Ծ.

come on in. .

come on. .; , غ.; !

i am coming. .(ȭ 밡 ִ )


145. com.fort/kʌ́m.fərt/[Ŀ^ ́.()Ʈ]

[] , *[] ir.ri.ta.tion(ìr.ə.téi.ʃən) [] [] ()ϴ

they ~.ed/kʌ́m.fər.tid/[Ŀ^ ́.().] me for my failure.

/ ׵ и ־.

they comforted my failure. (x)


*com.fort.a.ble/kʌ́m.fər.tə.bl/[Ŀ^ ́.(). . ]

[] , , ; Ҿ


@ # com.ic/kɑ́m.ik/[į ́.]

n. (comedian); ͻ콺[] . (the ) ͻ콺

a. , dz, [opp.] tragic ͻ콺,

a ~/kɑ́m.ik/ look on his face

/ 󱼿 ͻ콺 ǥ


*com.ic-book/kɑ́m.ik -bùk/ [] ȭå, (magazine)


147. com.ma/kɑ́m.ə/[į ́.]

[] ǥ, ޸(,).޸(ū ̼ ()).


148. com.mand/kə.ḿnd/[Ŀ.^ȵ ́]

[] ϴ, ȣ[]ϴ *[] o.bey(ou.béi), ִ, ϴ, ϴ; ( ) ȸ, ٺ

i cannot ~/kə.ḿnd/ the sum.
/ ׸ .


*com.mand.er/kə.ḿn.dər/ [] ְ, (̱ ) ߷; () ;


149. com.ment/kɑ́m.ent/[į ́.Ʈ]

[] (û繮 ) , (), ,


150. com.merce/kɑ́m.ərs/[į ́.()]

[] , , , ŷ

*com.mer.cial/kə.mə́:r.ʃəl/ [/] (),()


# com.mit.tee/kǝ.mít.i:/[Ŀ. ́.]

[] ȸ, . *committee .

the committee has decided to close the theatre.

/ ȸ ϱ ߽ϴ.

ü ȸ ŸǷ ܼ has


the committee have decided to close the theatre.

/ ȸ ϱ ߽ϴ.

ȸ ŸǷ have


152. com.mon/kɑ́m.ən/[į ́.]

[] , , , Ϲ, Ϲ ޵Ǿ ִ,

[] (er, more or est, most ) ( ̻) , ()

it was a ~/kɑ́m.ən/ event.

/ װ ̾.


153. com.mu.ni.cate/kə.mjú:.nə.kèit/[Ŀ.̿ ́..ij ̀]

[] ǻϴ, ( ) ϴ, () ִ, ̾(with).

we only ~/kə.mjú:.nə.kèit/ by email.

/ 츮 Ϸ ְ ͻ̴.


*com.mu.ni.ca.tion/kə.mjù:.nə.kéi.ʃən/ [] , ź, ǥ

*com.mu.ni.ca.tions/kə.mjù:.nə.kéi.ʃəns/ [] , ű


@ 154(1). com.pact/kəm.ṕkt/[.^Ʈ ́]

[] ϰ , , ġ (ü ) , (ڵ)

i am looking for a ~/kəm.ṕkt/ car.

/ ã ־. (ڵ Կ)


@ 154(2). com.pact/kɑ́m.pkt/[į ́.^Ʈ]

[] Ʈ(޴ а), , ;̱ ڵ

i am looking for a ~/kɑ́m.pkt/.

/ ã ־. (ڵ Կ)

* : öǾ ܱ ؼ Ű ƴ.

Ȥ ص 忡 ȴ.

׷ 忡 Ǿ

ù ˾Ƶ dz ƴϸ ؼ ˰ Ǵ ̰ ִ.

ؼ ܾ 鼭 ȴ.


155. com.pa.ny/kʌ́m.pə.ni:/[Ŀ^ ́..]

[] , ϴ( ), ü, ȸ, (), ( ) .

we are having ~/kʌ́m.pə.ni:/ for the weekend.

/ ̹ ָ մ ´.


156. com.pare/kəm.pɛ́ər/[.() ́]

[] ϴ, ϴ

stop ~ing/kəm.pɛ́ər.i/[. ́()] yourself to others!

/ ڽ !(ݾ)


# com.pete/kǝm.pí:t/[

vi. ܷ, ¼with; for; ɑgɑinst; in

~ ɑgɑinst other countries in trade ٸ ܷ.

ϴ, ܷwith; in

there is no book that can ~ with this. ̰Ͱ å .


# com..pe.ti.tion/kὰm.pǝ.tíʃ.ən/[į ̀...Ƽ ́.]

n. , ܷwith; for; between

he isputin ~ with them. ״ ׵ Ѵ.

󰆴 (ȸ()); the olympic ~ ø

enter a ~ ⿡ ϴ.

, (ü) , .

þcompete v.


# com.plain/kəm.pléin/[. ́]

vi. ϴ, źϴof; ɑbout

some people are always ~ing. ׻ ϴ ִ.

ϼҿϴ; () ȣϴto a person of ɑbout

he ~ed to the police ɑbout his neighbors dog. ״ ̿ ȣߴ.

() ȣϴ, δof; ɑbout

~ of a headache Ӹ ٰ ; .


vt. źϴ

she ~ed thɑt her husband drank too much. ׳ ʹ Ŵٰ Ǫߴ


*comp.laint/kǝm.pléint/ n. , , (λ)


# (1). com.ple.ment/kɑ́m.plə.mənt/[į ́..Ʈ]

n. , ϴ of; to.cf.supplement.

good brandy is a ~ to an evening meal. Ļ 귣 Ϻϴ

(); ().

(), ȣ(), (); ; ǻ.


(û ) ü().

(ʿ) , ; ¹ ; ( ο) ()

the ship has taken in its full ~ of fuel. Ḧ Ͽ.


# (2). com.ple.ment/kɑ́m.plə.mènt/[į ́..Ʈ ̀]

vt. , ϴ, Ǵ; =compliment.

the excellent menu is ~.ed/kɑ́m.plə.mən.tid/[į ́...]

by a good wine list.

/ پ ޴ Ǹ ٿ ֽϴ.


160. com.plete/kəm.plí:t/[.̟ ́]

[] , [] ϼϴ,

we were in ~/kəm.plí:t/ agreement.

/ 츮 Ϻ ǰ ġ Ҵ.

[] ϼϴ, (ǰ ) , ߴ; () ä; () ϴ; ( ) ϴ.

i need you to ~/kəm.plí:t/ this registration card.

/ ī带 ۼ ֽʽÿ.


* : complete, perfect ٲپ 쵵 ,

complete Ϻ̶ ,

perfect ̶̻ ְ ġǴ ϴ :

a complete work ϰ ǰ( ).

a perfect work Ϻ[Ǹ] ǰ.

complete ignorance , 𸣰 .

a perfect gentleman Ż.


*com.plete.ly/kəm.plí:t.li:/ [] , (Ӿ)ϰ, ϰ.

*com.plete.ness/kəm.plí:t.nis/ [] , Ϻ



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å 6õ (166)
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