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< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (038)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 382 õ 0 2023-10-16 11:46:48
[ ]

                     < ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (038)

                            == (04) d (021~040) ==


(04) d ==


021. de.bate/di.béit/[. ́]

[] , , , ȸ

[] []ϴ, ϴ, ϴ*[] dis.cuss((dis.kʌ́s)

(1) we are just ~.ing/di.béit.i/[. .́] whether to go or stay.

/ 츰 ӹ ϰ ִ ̿.

(2) we are

just ~.ing/di.béit.i/[. .́]

whether to go or stay.

/ 츰 ӹ ϰ ִ ̿.


* : 忡 ܶ

 κ ٸ κп д´.

̰ (intonation) ̶ ϸ ٸ ϴ

(2) ̶ ܶ ȴ.


022. debt/det/[]

[] , , Ǹ

keep out of ~/det/ !

/ !


* : debt/det/ <==[Ʈ](x)


023. de.ceive/di.sí:v/[.ß ́]

[] ̴, ȤŰ, ġ, ϴ.

he was ~d/di.sí:vd/[.ß ́] into buying such a thing.

/ ״ ӾƼ .


*de.ceiv.er/di.sí:.vər/ []


@ 024. de.cem.ber/di.sém.bər/[. ́.()]

[] 12(: dec.).

the last month of a year is d~/di.sém.bər/.

/ december ̴


* : jan(uary) feb(ruary) mar(ch) apr(il) may jun(e) jul(y) sep(tember)

oct(ober) nov(ember) == ù ڴ 빮ڸ .


025. de.cide/di.sáid/[. ́]

[] ( ) ذϴ, []ϴ

i have ~d/di.sái.did/[. ́.] to go.

= i have ~d/di.sái.did/[. ́.] onforgoing.

/ ߴ.


*de.cid.ing/di.sái.di/[. ́.] [] , []


026. de.ci.sion/di.síʒ.ən/[. ́.]

[] , , , ذ


027. de.clare/di.klɛ́ər/[.ũ() ́]

[] []ϴ, , Űϴ

do you have anything to ~/di.klɛ́ər/?

/ Ű ֽϱ?


*de.clar.a.tive/di.kĺr.ə.tiv/ [] ϴ, , Ű, ,

*de.clar.a.tor.y/di.kĺr.ə.tɔ̀:r.i:/ [] ϴ, , Ű, ,

*de.clared/di.klɛ́ərd/ [] (), ǥ, , Ű , ǥ


# de.cline/di.kláin/[.ũ]

vi. (Ʒ) , Ǵ; (ذ)

the road ~s sharply. ĸ ̰ ȴ

the sun ~s towɑrd the west. ذ .

(ǰ ) ϴ, ϴ, ϴ

he has ~d in health. ״ ǰ .

(α )

demand for this software has ~d. Ʈ 䰡 ϶ߴ.

() ϴ, Ÿϴ

he has ~d to a disgraceful state. ״ · ߴ.

(̫)ȭϴ, ϴ.

vt. (ʴ ) ϴ, ( ) źϴ

he ~d to explain. =he ~d explaining. ״ ϱ⸦ źߴ.

̴, (Ӹ) ̴. () ()ȭŰ.

n. , , a gentle ~ in the road ϸ

, Ÿ, . (ü) ; Ҹ ȯ, Ư

(λ) , , in the ~ of ones life .

() ϶, (, ) a sharp ~ ޶, ϶

*dec.li.na.tion/dèk.lǝ.néi.ʃən/ n. , .(ħ)

*de.cli.ner/di.klái.nər/ n. .

*de.clín.ing/di.klái.ni/ ɑ. ;


029. dec.o.rate/dék.ə.rèit/[ ́..() ̀]

[] ٹ̴, ϴ, ( ȿ) ĥ ϴ

she ~d/dék.ə.rèit.id/[ ́..() ̀.] the room with flowers.

/ ׳ Ͽ.


*dec.o.ra.tion/dèk.ə.réi.ʃən/ [] (); Ĺ. .


030(1). de.crease/dí:.kri:s/[ ́.ũ()̽]

[] , , *[] in.crease(ín.kri:s)

d~/dí:.kri:s/ in population

was un.think.a.ble/ʌ̀n.í.kə.bl/ only thirty years ago.

/ α Ҵ Ұ 30 ص ̾.


* : un.think.a.ble/ʌ̀n.í.kə.bl/[^ ̀.. ́.Ŀ.]

think ܾ, un ξ, able ̾

ܾ 1 , ξ 2, ̾ ʴ´.


030(2). de.crease/di.krí:s/[.ũ()̽ ́]

[] (ϴ), ϽŰ *[] in.crease(in.krí:s)

his in.flu.ence/ín.flu.ǝns/ slowly ~d/di.krí:st/.

/ پ.


031. ded.i.cate/déd.i.kèit/[ ́..ij ̀]

[] ġ(ð ), ϴ

i want to ~/déd.i.kèit/ my book to you.

/ å ſ ġ ʹ.


*ded.i.ca.tion/dèd.i.kéi.ʃən/ [] , , (), (), ().


032 de.duct/di.dʌ́kt/[.^Ʈ ́]

[][å] ; ִ

[] ( ) ϴ,

for every mistake you make i will ~/di.dʌ́kt/ 5 points.

/ ϳ Ʋ 5 Դϴ.


*de.duc.tion/di.dʌ́k.ʃən/ [] , , ,

*de.duct.i.ble/di.dʌ́k.tə.bl/[.^ ́..]

[] ִ, ִ


@ 033. deep/di:p/[]

[] , ()

show me your ~/di:p/ mind! / Ӹ !

[] ,

still waters run ~/di:p/. / (Ӵ) .


*deep.ly/dí:p.li:/ [] ; £. (Ҹ) .

*deep.en/dí:.pən/ [] ϴ, £, [λ ] .

*deep.en.ed/dí:.pənd/ [] deepen źл


@ 034. deer/diər/[()]

[] 罿

d~/diər/ is the her.biv.or.ous/hə:r.bív.ər.əs/ an.i.mal/ǽn.ǝ.məl/.

/ 罿 ʽ ̴.


* : 罿/stag, hart, buck; ϻ罿/ hind, doe, roe; 罿/ calf, fawn.


035. de.feat/di.fí:t/[.ǟ ́]

[/] й(ϴ), (Ű), (ϴ)

she ~.ed/di.fí:t.id/[.ǟ ́.] her brother at tennis.

/ ׳ ״Ͻ ̰.


*de.feat.ed/di.fí:t.id/ de.feat źл

*de.feat.ist/di.fí:t.ist/ [] й


036. de.fect/di.fékt/[.́]

[] , , , ,

*de.fec.tive/di.fék.tiv/ [] ִ,( ȭ Ϻΰ )


037. de.fend/di.fénd/[.ҵ ́]

[] ϴ, , Ű, () ȣϴ,׺[]ϴ.

we have to ~/di.fénd/ our country from [against] the enemy.

/ 츰 κ Ѿ Ѵ.


*de.fense, -ce /di.féns/ [] (), *[] of.fense(ə.féns), at.tack(ə.t́k)

*de.fen.sive/di.fén.siv/ [] , ȣ; []


# de.fen.sive/di.fén.siv/[. ́.]

[] (the ~) ; ڼġ; ȣ;

[] , ; ; (⿡ ¿ ʴ) ǰ . opp.offensive.

troops took up a ~/di.fén.siv/ position around the town.

/ ҵø ѷ ¼ ߴ.


039. de.fine/di.fáin/[. ́]

[] ( ) , ϴ, () Ǹ

i wouldnt ~/di.fáin/ myself in that way.

/ ڽ ׷ ϰ ʽϴ.


040. def.i.nite/déf.ə.nit/[ ́..]

[] (Ѱ谡) ѷ, (µ ) Ȯ,

there was a ~/déf.ə.nit/ change in him.

/ ׿ Ȯ ȭ ־.


*def.i.ni.tion/dèf.ə.níʃ.ən/ [] (Ѱ ) , ()

*def.i.nite.ly/déf.ə.nit.li:/ [] ; Ȯ;



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