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< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (039)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 377 õ 0 2023-10-19 4:14:21
[ ]

              < ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (039)

                     == (04) d (041~060) ==


(04) d ==


041. de.fin.i.tive/di.fín.ə.tiv/[. ́..M]

[](the, this, all, no );

[] , , , , Ȯ, ϼ

i received a ~/di.fín.ə.tiv/ answer to my question.

/ Ȯ ޾Ҵ.


042(1). de.fy/di.fái/[. ́]

[] (p., pp. -fied; ing) ϴ () ϴ, ʴ

i ~/di.fái/ you to do so.

/ װ ׷ ϴ ġ ʾ.


042(2). de.fy/dí:.fai/[ ́.]

[] (̱) ,


043. de.gree/di.grí:/[.() ́]

[] , , Īȣ, *[] rank(rk)

water boils/bɔils/[^Ͻ] at 100.

/ 100 ´


*100=100 degrees/di.grí:s/[.()̽ ́] celsius/sél.si.əs/[ ́..]


044. de.lay/di.léi/[.() ́]

[] ߴ, ü

the train was ~.ed/di.léid/[.() ́] by heavy snow.

/ Ͽ Ǿ.

[] , ü, , ; ̽౸=draw play; ǻ.

it ad.mits/d.míts/[^.ؽ ́] of no ~/di.léi/.

/ ϰ ʴ´.


045. del.i.cate/dél.i.kət/[ ́..]

[] , , ( ) ̹(subtle), (޿) ϴ, ( ) , ( ) ,

there was a ~/dél.i.kət/ fra.grance/fréi.grǝns/ of li.lac/lái.lǝk/.

/ ϶ Ⱑ dz


046. de.li.cious/di.líʃ.əs/[.() ́.]

[] ִ, ο,

its ~/di.líʃ.əs/.

/ װ ().


* : its it is it was ظ DZ 絵 ŵ ȴ.


* : de.li.cious / di. lí. ʃǝs /[ . () ́. ] (x)


*̱ ü : delicious! ־.


# de.light/di.láit/[.() ́]

n. ,syn⟩ ⇨pleasure. ִ ,

the dance is a ~ to see. Ⱑ ȴ.

vt. ſ ڰ ϴwith, by; () ̰ ϴ

beautiful pictures ~ the eye. Ƹٿ ׸ ̰ Ѵ.


*de.light.ful/di.láit.fəl/ [] ſ , ſ, ſ , ; ֱ ִ.

*de.light.ed/di.láit.id/ [] ⻵ϴ.


048. de.liv.er/di.lív.ər/[.() ́.()]

[] εϴ, ϴ, (ǰ) [۴]ϴ, иϴ

she was ~.ed/di.lív.ərd/[.() ́.()] of a boy last night.

/ ׳ 系̸ Ҵ.


*de.liv.er.y/di.lív.ər.i:/ [] ε, , , ( ) (٥Ԥ), , и


# de.mand/di.ḿnd/[.^ȵ ́]

vt. 䱸ϴ, ûϴ

i ~ to know why he had done it. װ װ ߴ ˰ ʹ

he ~ed thɑt i (should) help him. ״ ʹ޶ 䱸ߴ.


demand , +󰃄+to do ·δ .

, ʿ that[] he ~ed me to help him.̶ .


() ϴ, ʿ ϴ

this work ~s (a) great care. Ǹ Ѵ.

( ) , ϴ, ϶ ٱġ

the policeman ~ed my name and address. ̸ ּҸ ٱƴ. syn⟩ ⇨ask.

ȯϴ, θ ϴ.

vi. 䱸ϴ; .

n. , ûfor; on; ( pl.) , ʿ

i have many ~s upon my time. ð ѱ ,

ſ ٻڴ

i have a ~ to make of him. ׿ 䱸ϰ ִ.

󰇆 〖, Ƿfor; on;

laws of supply and ~ Ģ

, ȸ.

be in ~ 䰡 ִ, ȸ

this type of machine is much in ~. ̷ 谡 ȸ.


demand 䱸ϴ:

demɑnd an explanation 䱸ϴ.

claim 翬 ڱ μ 䱸ϴ:

clɑim compensation money 䱸ϴ.

require ʿؼ 䱸ϴ.

¸ ų Ǵ ̿ ־ Ǵ :

your presence is required. ֱ⸦ ٶϴ.


*de.mand.a.ble/di.ḿn.də.bl/ ɑ. û ִ.

*de.mand.er/di.ḿn.dər/ n. û.

*de.mand.ed/di.ḿn.did/[.^ ́.] źл

*de.mand.ing/di.ḿn.di/ a. () ʹ [ģ] 䱸 ϴ, ֹ (exacting); () ,


050. de.moc.ra.cy/di.mɑ́k.rə.si:/[. ́.().]

[] , ġ[ü], ִ̱

in a ~/di.mɑ́k.rə.si:/,

the people can ex.er.cise/éks.ǝr.sàiz/ their right to vote.

/ , ε ڽ ǥ ִ.


051. dem.on.strate/dém.ən.strèit/[ ́..Ʈ ̀]

[] ϴ, () Ű Ǵ, ǹ ϴ,  ϴ

he ~d/dém.ən.strèit.id/[ ́..Ʈ ̀.] the new car.

/ ״ ǹ ߴ.


*dem.on.stra.tion/dèm.ən.stréi.ʃən/ [] , ǿ, (ǰ) ǹ ,


052. den.tal/dén.təl/[ ́.]

[] ġ( [t, d, ɵ, ] ); ġ ()(d, t ).

[] , ġ(), ġ,ġ()

we should also use ~/dén.təl/ floss every day.

/ 츮 ġ ؾ Ѵ.


053. den.tist/dén.tist/[ ́.ƼƮ]

[] ġǻ

he is a ~/dén.tist/. / ״ ġǻ̴.


054. de.ny/di.nái/[. ́]

[] ϴ, ϴ, (Ǹ) ʴ, ȸ ϴ

we were ~ied/di.náid/[. ́] access.

/ 츰 ʾҴ.


055. de.part/di.pɑ́:rt/[.()Ʈ ́]

[] ( ) ϴ, , [̱] ϴ

they ~.ed/di.pɑ́:r.tid/[.() ́.] for america.

/ ׵ ̱ .


*de.par.ture/di.pɑ́:r.tʃər/ [] , , ()

*de.part.ed/di.pɑ́:r.tid/[.() ́.] [] , (ֱ)

*̱ : de.part.ed/di.pɑ́:r.tid/[.() ́.]

google how many syllables

how many syllables in departed? 3 syllables ( )

divide departed into syllables: de-part-ed ( )

how to pronounce departed: dih-pahr-tid ( )


056. de.part.ment/di.pɑ́:rt.mənt/[.()Ʈ ́.Ʈ]

[] ( ȸ )ι, (̱) (), (ݻ)

̱: the department of state(), agriculture(), commerce(), defense(), education(), justice(), labor(뵿)


# de.pend/di.pénd/[.ҵ ́]

vi. ̴, () ޷ ִ, ¿Ǵon, upon

his success here ~s upon effort and ability. װ ⿡ ϴ ϴĴ ° ɷ Ͽ ޷ ִ

everything ~s on whether you pass the examination. հ ο ޷ ִ.

() ϴ, ϴon, upon

i have no one but you to ~ on. ʹۿ

the children ~ on their parents. ̵ θ𿡰 ϰ ִ.syn⟩ ⇨rely.

ϴ, ŷϴon, upon

you can ~ upon him. ִ

you can ~ on her to do it right. ׳డ ̶ Ͼ ȴ

(ҼǾ ) ̰ Ǿ ִ.

ϴon, upon.

depend upon it. ; ƲӸ .

that ~s. =it all ~s. װ ޷ȴ; ̴.

you may ~ ݵ (ϴ)

you mɑy ~ he will do it. ݵ ״ ׷ ̴.

you may ~ upon it Ȯ.


*de.pend.a.ble/di.pén.də.bl/ a. - ִ

*de.pen.dence/di.pén.dəns/ n. , (), ϴ [],

*de.pen.dent/di.pén.dənt/ a. ϰ ִ, Ӱ, ,


058. de.pos.it/di.pɑ́z.it/[. ́.]

[] Ʒ , , ( ) ñ, ϴ

d~/di.pɑ́z.it/[. ́.] a quar.ter/kwɔ́:r.tǝr/ and push the .

/ 25Ʈ ְ ߸ ÿ.


* : +r+t+ t ǻȰ [ũ^ ́.()()] Ѵ.


# de.press.ed/di.prést/[.()Ʈ ́]

a. DZħ, , , , , .syn⟩ ⇨sad. , Ұ, Ȳ

she was ~/di.prést/[.()Ʈ ́] by the bad news.

/ ׳ ҽ ħϿ


060. depth/depɵ/[]

[] (pl. s[depɵs]) , ɵ, ȱ, (̳ ) ʿ ʱ Ÿ ( pl.)



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