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< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (051)

LV48alexҹ ȸ 362 õ 0 2023-11-08 1:18:56
[ ]

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (051)

                         == (05) e (081~100) ==


(05) e ==


081. es.sen.tial/i.sén.ʃəl/[. ́.]

[] ٺ, ʼ, Ұ, ,

oxygen is ~/i.sén.ʃəl/[. ́.] to life [for the maintenance of life].

/ Ҵ [ ] Ұ ̴.

*es.sen.tial.ly/i.sén.ʃəl.i:/ [] , (in essence); .


082. es.tate/i.stéit/[.Ÿ ́]

[] , ( ִ) , , , (ȸ)

he has an ~/i.stéit/[.Ÿ ́] in the country.

/ ״ ð ִ.


* : es ϴ ܾ ܾ ȣ ٸ ִ̱ ʰ ٸ .


083. es.teem/i.stí:m/[.Ƽ ́]

[] ,

[] ϴ, ϴ *[] re.spect(ri.spékt), - ϴ

he does not ~/i.stí:m/[.Ƽ ́] women highly.

/ ״ ڸ ״ ʴ´.


*es.ti.ma.ble/és.tə.mə.bl/ [] , , ִ


084. es.ti.mate/és.tə.mèit/[ֽ ́..ş ̀]

[] , ,

[] , ϴ, ϴ

we ~/és.tə.mèit/[ֽ ́..ş ̀] that

it would take three months to finish the work.

/ 츰 ϼ 3  ִ.


085. etc. = et cet.er.a /et sét.ər.ə/[. ́..()]

[l.] Ÿ, , (: etc., &c.; ڸ ).

[] ( ) []; (pl.) ⵿, ǰ.


086. eth.i.cal/éɵ.i.kəl/[ ́..]

[] ,

[] , , (), Ÿ *eth.ics(éɵ.iks)

on oc.ca.sion/ǝ.kéi.ʒən/ employees receive training

on ~/éɵ.i.kəl/[ ́..] be.hav.ior/bi.héiv.jǝr/.

/ ޽ϴ.


087. et.i.quette/ét.i.kət/[ ́..]

[] Ƽ, , , ( ) ҹ

it is very important to learn ~/ét.i.kət/[ ́..].

/ ſ ߿ϴ.


088. eu.rope/júər.əp/[̿ ́.()]

[] ()


*eu.ro.pe.an/jùər.ə.pí:.ən/ [] ; . [] .


089. e.vac.u.ate/i.v́k.ju.èit, i.-/[.^ ́.̿.֟ ̀]

[] () dz[Ұ]Ű, () öŰ, ( )

police ~d/i.v́k.ju.èit.id/[.^ ́.̿.֟ ̀.] nearby buildings.

/ α ǹ Ұ״.


*e.vac.u.a.tion/i.v̀k.ju.éi.ʃən/ [] , ( ) ȭ, , Ұ, dz


@ 090(1). eve/i:v/[̟]

[] ̺( ̸). ̺, Ͽ(ƴ Ƴ; ϴ â ).


@ 090(2). eve/i:v/[̟]

[] ( e-) , (Ư ). ( ) , . (þ) ,

*eve.ning/í:v.ni/ [] , , (ذ ں ) () ,


091. e.ven/í:.vən/[ ́.]

[] , (), ,

this work is easy. e~/í:.vən/[ ́.] i can do it.

/ . ִ.

[] (more , most ; er, est) (ǥ ) , ¦

the odds are ~/í:.vən/[ ́.]. / »[ɼ] ݹ̴.

* : [Ծ](x) [̹](x)


*e.ven.ly/í:.vən.li:/ [] [ź]ϰ, ϰ,


# e.vent/i.vént/[.Ʈ ́]

n. , ,

it was quite an ~. װ ҵ̾

(ڷ ) , . (outcome); (result)

, º,

the event will be held at the stadium. / 忡 Դϴ.

(hold) ü ٴ ߿.

(the event) ־

at all ~s =in any ~ ¿찣, ư.

in either ~ ư, Ͽư.

in that ~ , ׷ Ǹ.

in the ~ μ.

in the ~ of (rain) ().

in the ~ (that) ... ̱ ()

in the ~ he does not come װ 쿡.

if, in case Ϲ.


*e.ven.tu.al.ly/i.vén.tʃu.əl.i:/ ad. Ŀ(), , (),


093. ev.er/év.ər/[ ́.()]

[] ǹ, []

have you ~/év.ər/[ ́.()] been to kyeongju?

/ ֿ ֽϱ?

[] ( ʴ)

i havent ~/év.ər/[ ́.()] been there.

/ ű⿡ []

(ive never been there. )

, , ׻

he ~/év.ər/[ ́.()] repeated the same words.

/ ״ Ǯߴ


094. ev.er.est/év.ər.ist/[ ́..()Ʈ]

[] mount everest Ʈ ( ְ; ع 8,848 m).


@ 095. ev.er.y/év.ri:/[ ́.()]

[] [̳] , () , °

e~/év.ri:/[ ́.()] one desires to live long.

/ ⸦ ٶ.

* : everyone ̻ Ű .

every one ̻ Ű μ each one

everybody everyone , ϻ(). ׻ .



(1) ѻ : eve.ry, websters : ev.er.y

: ev.er.y ϸ /év.ər.i:/ dz ׷

ϳ  /év.ri:/ ȴ.

: diamond, diaper

(2) ev.er.y.one/év.ri:.wʌ̀n/[ ́.().^ ̀] one .

* ̻ ܾ (accent) 󿡼 .

(3) ev.er.y one/év.ri:/ /wʌn/ [ ́.()] [^ ́] one  ev ش. * ܾ (intonation) 󿡼 .

. (2) (3) ѱ ũ⸦ Ȯ ȴ.

̰ ƴ. Ʋ ˰ ⿡ ȴ.


*ev.er.y.bod.y/év.ri:.bὰd.i:/[ ́.(). ̀. ] [] , ,

*ev.er.y.where/év.ri:.h̀ər/ [] 𿡳, ӻ Ἥ .


* : every ѻ ܾ eve.ry ǥⰡ Ǿִ.

̱ ȣ ʱ eve.- /i:v/[̟] д´.

ؼ ̱ eve.ry ƴϰ ev.er.y ȴ.


000. e.vict/i.víkt/[.Ʈ ́]

[] () ŽŰ, ѾƳfrom ; () ã ; ϹѴ

he evicted them from a their house. / ״ ׵ Ž״.

e.víction/i.vík.ʃən/[. ́.]

n.ŽŴ, ѾƳ; ã.


096. ev.i.dence/év.ə.dəns/[ ́..]

[] , , Ź,


*ev.i.dent/év.ə.dənt/ [] и, , ѷ, и

*ev.i.dent.ly/èv.ə.dént.li:/ or /év.ə.dənt.li:/

[] иϰ[], ǽ ; , Ƹ.


097. e.vil/í:.vəl/[ ́.]

[] ,

[] (more ; most ; evil(l)er; -(l)est) , *[] bad(bd)

that ~/í:.vəl[ ́.] man put a curse on his neighbor.

/ ̿ ָ ۺξ.

[] () ڰ(ill).

it went ~/í:.vəl/[ ́.] with him. / ״ ȥ .


*e.vil.ly/í:.vəl.i:/ [] ڰ, ϰ


098. ev.o.lu.tion/èv.ə.lú:.ʃən/[..() ́.]

[] , , (ȸġ) ȭ.ȭ()


099. ex.act/ig.źkt/[.^Ʈ ́]

[] Ȯ(), (precise), IJ

she gave an ~/ig.źkt/[.^Ʈ ́] de.scrip.tion/di.skríp.ʃən/

of the at.tack.er/ǝ.tǽk.ǝr/.

/ ׳ ڱ⸦ ڸ Ȯ ߴ.


* : ȣ ̸ ص .

/ig.-/ Ǵ /eg.-/ ok! ̶ .

*ex.act.ing/ig.źk.ti/ [] , , ϴ, Ȥ; , ( ).

*ex.act.ly/ig.źkt.li:/ [] Ȯϰ, , IJϰ


# ex.am/ig.źm/[.^ ́]


we are going to take ~/ig.źm/[.^ ́] next month.

/ ޿ 츰 ĥž.

if he had studied, he would have passed the exam.

/ װ θ ߴٸ 迡 հ ٵ.

if ſϷ(had studied) + would have źл(passed)


*ex.am.i.na.tion/ig.z̀m.ə.néi.ʃən/ [] , , , ˻ * = exam

*ex.am.ine/ig.źm.in/ [] ˻ϴ, ϴ, ϴ

*ex.am.ple/ig.źm.pl/ [] ,


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A~Z( 33 )
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å 6õ (166)
A~Z( 32 )

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