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̽ å 5õ (011)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 401 õ 0 2023-12-14 12:47:51
[ ]

̽ å 5õ (011)

== a (201) ~ (220) ==


(01) a ==


201. a.side/ə.sáid/[. ́]

[] [], , Ͽ,̱ ġϰ

a~/ə.sáid/ from his books,

he col.lects/kǝ.lékts/ da.ta/déit.ǝ/

from his own ex.pe.ri.ences/ek.spíər.i:.ǝn.siz/.

/ ״ å ij, ״ ڱ 迡 ͸ ִ.


@ 202. ask/sk/[^ƽũ]

[] (ǹ) , ûϴ, 䱸ϴ, Ź[û]ϴ(for).

ask/sk/ me what.ev.er/hwɑt.év.ər/[. ́.()].

/ ̵ !


i ~ed him ɑbout his family.

/ ؼ Ҵ.


i ~ed thɑt he (should) come at once.

/ ׿ ʹ޶ Źߴ


shall i ~ him in?

/ ׸ ұ?


* ask him. Ͽ for ...ε to do ε .

ive been ~ed out for the party.

/ Ƽ ʴ޾Ҵ.


ask Ϲ .

in.quire/in.kwáiǝr/ ask ݽ . ȳ 䱸 :

inquire about trains to london / ؼ .

de.mand/di.mǽnd/ ϰ .

i ~ to know why he had done it. / װ װ ߴ ˰ ʹ

que.ry/kwíər.i:/ () ǽϸ .

how much? i queried. /


theres no ~ (ɑbout her sincerity).

/ (׳ Ǽ ؼ) ǽ

in.ter.ro.gate/in.tér.ǝ.gèit/ յ ϴ.

the policeman ~d him ɑbout the purpose of his journey.

/ ɹߴ.


# as.pect /ǽs.pekt/[^ƽ ́.]

n. , , ܰ, () , ǥ

wear an ~ of gloom / ϰ ִ.

, (phase) syn⟩ ⇨phase.

the ~ of affairs /

assume take on a new ~ / .

, ; ( )

consider a question in all its ~s / ϴ.


203. a.sleep/ə.slí:p/[. ́]

[] ̵ *[] a.wake(ə.wéik) Ͽ, ׾

he is ~/ə.slí:p/. / ״ ڰ ִ.


204. as.sem.ble/ə.sém.bl/[. ́.]

[] , սŰ, ϴ ϴ

they ~/ə.sém.bl/ parts into a ma.chine/mǝ.ʃí:n/.

/ ׵ ǰ Ѵ.


*as.sem.bler/ə.sém.blər/ [] .ǻ¥߰,

*as.sem.bly/ə.sém.bli:/ [] ( Ư ) ȸ̱ Ͽ


205. as.sent/ǝ.sént/[.Ʈ ́]

[] , , ,

[] ϴ, () to; ϴsyn⟩ ⇨agree.

he ~.ed/ǝ.sén.tid/ to my pro.po.sal/prǝ.póu.zəl/.

/ ״ ȿ Ͽ.


206. as.sign/ə.sáin/[. ́]

[] Ҵϴ, ϴ, (ƹ) ()ϴ

he ~.ed/ə.sáind/ us the best room of the hotel.

/ ״ 츮 ȣ Ҵ ־.


* : he assigned/ə.sáind/[.ε ́] us ̷ .

==> /hi:/ /ə.sáin/ /dʌs/


ڿ ٿ .


207. as.sist/ə.síst/[.ýƮ ́]

[] , ϴ

she ~s/ə.sísts/ me in my work. / ׳ ( ).


*as.sis.tance/ə.sís.təns/ [] , , .

*as.sis.tant/ə.sís.tənt/ [] , ¿, , .

[] , , , ().


208. as.so.ci.ate/ə.sóu.ʃi.èit/[.ҿ ́..֟ ̀]

[] սŰ, ԽŰ(join, unite)(with), ϴ, ýŰ(with).

we ~d/ə.sóu.ʃi.èit.id/ him with us

in the at.tempt/ǝ.témpt/.

/ 츮 ȹ ׸ ״.


*as.so.ci.a.tion/ə.sòu.si.éi.ʃən/ [] , , , ȸ,


209(1). as.so.ci.ate/ə.sóu.ʃi.èit/[.ҿ ́..֟ ̀]

vt. a) սŰ; Ű, ԽŰ(join, unite)with

we ~d him with us in the attempt.

/ 츮 ȹ ׸ ״.

b) ~ oneselfᰡ Ǵ, ϴ

dont ~ yourself with them. / ׵ ︮ .

ϴ, ýŰwith

it was impossible to ~ failure with you.

/ װ ϸ ߴ.



vi. , ʹwith

i dont care to ~ with them.

/ ׵ ︮ ʴ.

ϴ, ϴwith; ϴin


209(2). as.so.ci.ate/ə.sóu.ʃi.it/[.ҿ ́..]

n. , , ģ; ; տ; ȸ; (Ǵ); ( a-) ̱ ܱ , . syn⟩ ⇨companion. Ǵ ; .

ִ , μ, .

jim and mary are my ~s/ə.sóu.ʃi.its/ at the com.pa.ny/kʌ́m.pə.ni:/.

/ jim mary .

ɑ. յ; ,

an ~ / partner.

Ǵ, ִ. an ~ editor / ̱


210. as.sume/ǝ.sjú:m/[.ÿ ́]

[] , 翬ϴٰ ϴ

i ~ /ǝ.sjú:m/ from your re.marks/ri.mά:rks/

thɑt youre not going to help us.

/ ǴϰǴ 츱 ʰڱ.

additionally, you will probably infer that i am disapproving of maddy, 

or saying that i think you should disapprove of her, or similar, given typical linguistic conventions and assuming i am sincere. (2021 ) (38)


211. as.sure/ə.ʃjúər/[.() ́]

[] ϴ, ()ϴ, (ȮŽ) ȽɽŰ, ϴ, Ȯ()ϴ

i ~/ə.ʃjúər/ you of her honesty.

/ ſ ׳ Ѵ.


*as.sured/ə.ʃjúərd/ [] , Ȯ [] (the ) () Ǻ()

*as.sur.ed.ly/ə.ʃjúər.id.li:/ [] Ȯ, ǽ , ڽ , ϰ


@ 212. at/t/[^]

[] , , , (),

see you tomorrow at/t/ 10 a.m. / 10ÿ .


at a grocery store, strawberries are sold by the pound.

/ ķǰ Ŀ Ǹŵȴ.

跮 Ÿ ߻ the .


*̱ ü :

at last. / .


# ath.lete(s)/ǽ.li:t(s)/[^ ́.()()]

n. Ϲ, ; . , Ȱ .


# ath.let.ic/.lét.ik/[/[(^.()M ́.]

ɑ. , ü

an ~ meet(ing) / ȸ, ȸ

 , , ü ִ.

*ath.let.i.cal.ly/.lét.i.kǝl.i:/ ɑd. ü, ;  .

*ath.let.i.cal.i.cism /.lét.i.kǝl.i:.sìzm/ n. (μ) 


213. at.lan.tic/t.ĺn.tik/[^.()^ ́.J]

[] [ ], ()


*ath.lan.tic o.cean/óu.ʃən/


214. at.tach/ə.t́tʃ/[.^ ́]

[] ̴, ޴, ٸ *[] de.tach(di.t́tʃ) ϴ, ÷ϴ, ϴ, () (to).зϴ; ϴ

the sign.ers/sáin.ərs/ ~.ed/ə.t́tʃt/[.^Ʈ ́] their names

to the pe.ti.tion/pə.tíʃ.ən/.

/ ׵() û (÷)ߴ.


215. at.tempt/ə.témpt/[.Ʈ ́]

[] õϴ, ϴ. *[] try(trai) (θ ) , ϴ

we ~.ed/ə.témp.tid/[. ́.] to solve the problem.

/ 츰 Ǯ Ͽ.

[] õ, (to do; at a thing), () , (on).̼

an ~/ə.témpt/ at murder / ̼.


216. at.tend/ə.ténd/[.ĵ ́]

[] ϴ, , () ϴ, ûϴ(to), ̴(to)

i have to ~/ə.ténd/ a meeting.

/  ӿ ؾ .


*at.tend.ance/ə.tén.dəns/ [] (Ȳ), (at), () ,                                      ȣ

*at.tend.ant /ə.tén.dənt/[. ́.Ʈ] [] , ϴ, ,                                                

[] ߵ , , , ݹ.

*at.ten.dee/ə.tèn.dí:/ [] ,


217. at.ten.tion/ə.tén.ʃən/[. ́.]

[] , , Ƿ, , óġ

a~/ə.tén.ʃən/, please.

/ (в) ˷ 帮ڽϴ. = ָּ!


he is all attention. / ״ ſ .

all attention = very attentive(ſ )

all + ߻ = very +


*̱ ü :

attention, please! / ָ ּ.


*at.ten.tive/ǝ.tén.tiv/[. ́.M] [] , , ûϴ, ,

he was always attentive to his wife.

/ ״ Ƴ ־.


218. at.ti.tude/́t.ə.tjù:d/[^ ́..ƼL ̀]

[] () µ, ()

what is your ~/́t.ə.tjù:d/ to the problem?

/ Ѱ?


# at.tract/ə.tŕkt/[.Ʈ()^Ʈ ́]

vt. ( ) , () to. opp.distrɑct.

a magnet ~s iron. / ڼ 踦 .

, Ȥϴ

he was ~ed by her charm. / ״ ׳ ŷ¿ ȴ.

() ̴

what ~ed you to this field of study?

/ ̲ о ϰ Ǿϱ?


*at.trac.tive/ə.tŕk.tiv/ a. ; ŷ, ֱ ִ.

*at.tract.ed/ə.tŕk.tid/[.Ʈ()^. ́] źл


# at.trac.tion/ǝ.trǽk.ʃən/[.Ʈ()^ .́]

n. () , ŷ, Ȥfor

she possesses personal ~. / ׳ ΰ ŷ ϰ ִ

󰆴 , αŸ

the chief ~ of the day / αŸ.

, (̲);  ȭ Ű η

~ of gravity / ߷ chemical ~ / ģȭ

counter ~ / ݴ η magnetic ~ / ڷ().


220(1). at.trib.ute/ǝ.tríb.ju:t/[.Ʈ() ́.̿W]

[] ( ) , ġ, ϴ

a~/ǝ.tríb.ju:t/ ones success to a friends 


/ ģ ݷ ϴ.

( ) ִٰ ϴto

we ~/ǝ.tríb.ju:t/ pru.dence/prú:.dəns/ to tom.

/ 迡Դ к ִٰ Ѵ.


220(2). at.trib.ute/ǽ.trə.bjù:t/[^ ́.Ʈ().W ̀]

[] Ӽ, Ư, Ưm ( ι ) μ()

a crown is the ~/ǽ.trə.bjù:t/[^ ́.Ʈ().W ̀] of a king.

/ հ ¡̴.

* : Ϲ ܾ  鼭  Ѵ. ׷ ܾ ܴ.

ؼ ư ⸸ ϰų ѻ Ⱑ

ƴ. ܾ ܾ ̱ Ǿִ.


LV47alexҹ ٸ [ ]
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