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̽ å 5õ (017)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 324 õ 0 2023-12-22 4:31:41
[ ]

̽ å 5õ (017)

== b (081) ~ (100) ==


(02) b ==


081. bit.ter/bít.ər/[ ́.()]

[] (the ) ; (=́ bèer) (ȩ ); (pl.)

[] *[] sweet(swi:t), (ְ) *[] mild(maild)), , ߵ

i am ~/bít.ər/ against it. / װͿ ̴.


@ 082. black/blk/[^]

[] , , Ź

things/ɵis/ look ~/blk/. / ´ ϴ.

[] (), , ().

he is in ~/blk/. / ״ ԰ ִ.


* : back clack flack hack lack pack rack track wack

/-lk/[-^] д´, տ ̸ ȴ.


*black.board/bĺk.bɔ̀:rd/ [] ĥ.


# blame/bleim/[]

vt. (ƹ) , ϴfor

i dont ~ you for being angry.

/ ȭٰ ؼ ϴ ƴϿ.

å for

they ~d me for the accident.

/ ׵ å ȴ.

˸ () , ̾

they ~d the accident on me.

/ ׵ å .


n. , , å, , for

the ~ lies with him. / ˴ ׿ ִ,

bear the ~ for / å

be to ~ å ϴfor

i ɑm to ~ for it. / װ ߸̴

no one is to ~. / ƹԵ ˴ .

i dont ~ you. / ׷ () մϴ.


blame ߸ ſ .

censure 븦 åϴ, Ǵ ϴ.

condemn Ŀ ϴ, Ҹ .


*blame.less/bléim.lis/ a. , .


@ 084. blank/blk/[^ũ]

[] , ,

the cas.sette/kə.sét/ tape is ~/blk/.

/ īƮ ִ.

[] , ; ǻڸ. ;

fill out(in) the ~s/blks/[^ũ] !

/ ä!


*blan.ket/bĺ.kit/ [] ,


085. bleed/bli:d/[̟]

[] (p., pp. bled[bled]) ϴ, ϴ, () ū ϴ

his nose is ~.ing/blí:d.i/[̟ ́.] at the nose.

/ װ Ǹ 긮 ִ.


* : [](x) Ϸ ȣ ٿ

ٿ , ִ ״ ʴ ȴ.


086. bless/bles/[ֽ]

[] ູϴ,

she is ~ed/blest/[ֽƮ] with her children.

/ ׳ ڽĵκ ູ ޾Ҵ.


# blew/blu:/[]

blow .

v. (blew [blu]; blown [bloun]) it ־ Ͽٶ Ҵ

the door blew/blu:/ open. / ٶ ȴ


087. blind/blaind/[ε]

[] , ͸, ð(ͣ) , ٸ, ҿ

love is ~/blaind/. / (Ӵ) ͸ .


088. bliss/blis/[̽]

[] () , õ ; domestic ~ .


bliss/blis/[̽] out / ̱Ӿ ,

ig.nor.ance/íg.nər.ǝns/ is ~/blis/. / 𸣴 .


089. block/ blɑk / blɔ:k /[]

[] (ݼ ) ū , ū 丷, (ð η ѷ) ȹ [] ( ) , ( ) ϴ

my nose is all ~.ed/blɑkt/[Ʈ] up.

/ ڰ .


* : chock clock cock dock hock knock lock mock pock rock shock sock

/-ɑk/[-] д´. տ ̸ ȴ.


@ 090. blood/blʌd/[^]

[] ,Ϲ, (ϵ ) ü

b~/blʌd/ is thick.er/ɵík.ər/ than water.

/ (Ӵ) Ǵ ϴ.


*blood.y/blʌ́d.i:/ [] dz, Ǹ 긮(bleeding), [] , ô, ϰ.


091. blous/blaus/[ƿ콺]

[] , ۾


@ 092. blow/blou/[]

[] (blew [blu]; blown [bloun]) (ٶ) Ҵ, Ա մ, ()

, () ڶϴ; dz.

b~/blou/ out the lights/laits/. / !

[] ұ, ; () dz[ٶ]; dz, ڸ Ǯ, (̱Ӿ) ռ;

he went/went/ for a ~/blou/. / ״ ٶ .

[] Ÿ(hit), Ÿ; ޽. () Ÿ, , (calamity)

the first ~/blou/ is half the bat.tle/b́t.l/.

/ (Ӵ) () ϰ ( ʽ).

[] ȭ().

the cherry trees in the park are now in full ~/blou/[].

/ Ͽ.


*blow.ing/blóu.i/ [] ( ) ϴ Ҹ


@ 093. blue/blu:/[]

[] Ǫ, ϴú, ( ) ķ,

the sky/skai/ is ~/blu:/. / ϴ Ǫ.


# boar/bɔ:r/[^()]

n. (ұ ) ; 󰇆 .cf.hog. (wild ~);

boars/bɔ:rs/[^()] head



@ 094. board/bɔ:rd/[^()]

[]) , ϰ ϸ ʺ 4.5ġ ̻, β 2.5ġ .

cf.plank. ; (ٸ ) ħ; Խ

write/rait/ your name on the ~/bɔ:rd/!

/ ̸ ĥǿ !

[] , η θup; over

(ƹ) , ϼŰ; () þ ⸣

how much will you ~ me for?

/ 󸶷 Ļ縦 ֽðڽϱ.


095. boast/boust/[콺Ʈ]

[] ڶ(Ÿ); dz.

[]( ) ĥ 밭 ٵ.

[] ڶϴ, (of; about). ūҸġ. () ڶ

he ~s/bousts/[콺Ʈ] of being rich.

/ ״ ڶѴ.

* : boasts/bousts/[콺Ʈ] ==> /b o u s t s/[ ] ok!


@ 096. boat/bout/[W]

[] Ʈ, ( ) , () ڵ, Ż

my dad bought/bɔ:t/[^i] a fish.ing/fíʃ.i/ ~/bout/.

/ ƹ Ʈ .


@ 097. bod.y/bɑ́d.i:/[ ́.]

[] , ü, () ü

he was wound.ed/wú:n.did/ in his ~/bɑ́d.i:/.

/ ״ ó Ծ.


* : be + (źл) ==


098. boil/bɔil/[^]

[] ̴, ϴ, , ( ) ϴ, ϴ

the water is ~.ing/bɔ́il.i/[^ ́.].

/ ִ.


* : oil coil foil moil noil roil soil toil

ܾ /-ɔil/[^] д´. տ ̸ ȴ.


* : /bɔil/[^](o) [](x)


099. bolt/boult/[Ʈ]

[] , ڹû, ɼ, Ʈ [[ ݴ, ٴ; ޾Ƴ, ϴ

they ~.ed/bóul.tid/[ ́.] out with all their money.

/ ׵ ִ ƴ


* : colt holt jolt molt volt

ܾ /-oult/[Ʈ] д´. տ ̸ ȴ.


100. bomb/bɑm/[]

[] ź, (̱) ū Ǽ, ()

[] - ź ϴ, (Ӿ) ϴ

london was ~.ed/bamd/[] night after night.

/ 㸶 ź .


# bond/bɑnd/[ݵ]

n. Ŵ ; , , . , , ο; , շ

the ~ between nations / .

( pl.) ӹϴ , ; ӹ, Ǹ

in ~s / ӹǾ

break ones ~s / ӹ ; Ǵ.

vt. ; (Ա) ä üϴ

be heavily ~ed / () پ 㺸 ִ.

( ), Ǵ.

(ǰ) â ñ.

Űto; ϴtogether; մ, ( ) ׾ ø, ϴ

~ brick to stone / Ű.

vi. ̾, , ϴtogether

these plastics will not ~ together.

/ öƽ ̴.

ɑ. ; վμ .


afraid of the world that is portrayed on tv, people stay in their homes with close family and do not build bonds with their neighbors. (2012 ) (43)

tv Բ ӹ ̿ 밨 ʽϴ.


LV47alexҹ ٸ [ ]
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