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̽ å 5õ (033)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 301 õ 0 2024-01-11 12:46:25
[ ]

̽ å 5õ (033)

== c (221) ~ (240) ==


(03) c ==


@ 221. cool/ku:l/[]

[] [ÿ], (Ǻ) ÿ *[] warm(wɔrm) *[] cold(kould)

today is ~/ku:l/. / ϴ.


*cool.er/kú:.lǝr/[ ́.()()]

*̱ : cool.er/kú:.lǝr/[ ́.()()]

<cooler> google how many syllables

how many syllables in cooler? 2 syllables ( )

divide cooler into syllables: cool-er ( )

stressed syllable in cooler: cool-er ()

how to pronounce cooler: koo-ler ( )


*̱ ü :

its cool. / ֳ. !


222. co.op.er.ate/kou.ɑ́p.ər.èit/[ڿ. ́.().֟ ̀]

[] ϴ, ϴ

everything ~d/kou.ɑ́p.ər.èit.id/[ڿ. ́.().֟ ̀.]

to make our plan a suc.cess/sək.sés/.

/ 츮 ȹ ְ Ż Ǿ.

== Ǿ 츮 ȹ Ͽ.


*co.op.er.a.tion/kou.ɑ́p.ər.éi.ʃən/ [] , (),

*co.op.er.a.tive/kou.ɑ́p.ər.èit.iv/[ڿ. ́.().֟ ̀.]

[] , , ; Һ [] []Ͽ, Բ


* : co.op.er.ate/kou.ɑ́p.ər.èit/[ڿ. ́..() ̀] (x)

r ; ϴµ 2 Ǿ.


223. cop.per/kɑ́p.ər/[ ́.()]

[] , ()(ݼ ; ȣ cu; ȣ 29), (pl.) (Ӿ) ܵ

gold/gould/, sil.ver/síl.vər/ and ~/kɑ́p.ər/ are el.e.ments/él.ə.mənts/.

/ , , ̴.


@ 224. cop.y/kɑ́p.i:/[ ́.]

[] , κ(),

i want to get a ~/kɑ́p.i:/ of this. / ̰ 纻 ͽϴ.

[] , ϴ, ϴ. [syn.] imitate.

she ~ied/kɑ́p.i:d/[ ́́.̟] that picture.

/ ׳ ׸ Ͽ.


*re.cop.y/rì:.kɑ́p.i:/ [] 纹ϴ, ٽ ϴ, ٽϴ


# cop.y.right/kɑ́p.i:.rɑ̀it/[ ́..() ̀]

n. DZ, ۱

a ~ holder / DZ

ɑ. DZ۱ ִ, DZ ȣ(copyrighted).

vt. DZ ; (ǰ) ۱ ȣϴ.

copyright reserved. ۱ .

~able ɑ. DZ ִ.

~er n. DZ .


225. cord/kɔ:rd/[^()]

[] , , * rope ð string ,ڵ

i tied/taid/ the pack.age/ṕk.idʒ/ with some ~/kɔ:rd/.

/ .


* : code/koud/[ڟL] ǰ .


226. cork/kɔ:rk/[^()ũ]

[] ڸũ; Ĺڸũ[](phellem)( ). ڸũ;

draw/drɔ:/ a ~/kɔ:rk/ from that bot.tle/bɑ́t.l/.

/ ڸũ ̾ƶ.


227. corn/kɔ:rn/[^()]

[] ,, , (can.austral.̱)

whats the best way to cook/kuk/ ~/kɔ:rn/?

/ 丮ϴ ?


@ 228. cor.ner/kɔ́:r.nər/[^() ́.()]

[] , ( )

the store/stɔ:r/ is at the ~/kɔ́:r.nər/. / Դ ̿ ִ.


# cor.por.a.tion/kɔ̀:r.pǝ.réi.ʃən/[^() ̀..() ́.]

n. , ȸ,

( c-) ġü; ()ȸ; ()

~ houses / ÿ

the corporɑtion of the city of london / ġü.

̱ ȸ, ֽ ȸ(joint-stock ~) (ġ) ü; .


*cor.por.ate/kɔ́:r.pə.rit/ ɑ. ȸ(); ü, ; ;


229. cor.rect/kə.rékt/[Ŀ.()́]

[] , Ȯ [] ϴ

that is ~/kə.rékt/. / ¾. Ǿ.


*cor.rec.tion/kə.rék.ʃən/ [] ,

*cor.rect.ly/kə.rékt.li:/ [] ٸ


# cor.res.pond/kɔ̀:r.əs.pɑ́nd/[^ ̀.().ǵ ́]

vi. ( ) , ϴ, () شϴto

the broad lines on the map ~ to roads.

/ ο شѴ.

ġϴ, ȭϴto; with

hs words and actions do not ~. / ġ ʴ´.

ϴ, շ ϴwith

we have ~ed but never met.

/ 츮 ȯ ־ .


*cor.res.pon.dence/kɔ̀:r.əs.pɑ́n.dəns/ [] , ش, ġ, Ź, շ,

*cor.res.pond.ent/kɔ̀:r.əs.pɑ́n.dənt/ [] , (Ź ) ƯĿ, ſ

*cor.res.pond.ing /kɔ̀:r.əs.pɑ́n.di/ []. ϴ, , ȭϴ(to; with)

*cor.res.pond.ing.ly/kɔ̀:r.əs.pɑ́n.di.li:/ [] ϰ, ϰ


# cor.ri.dor /kɔ́:r.i.dǝr/[^ ́.().()]

n., ȸ(ҧ); װ (); () ; () ; ȸ a ~ train / ʿ ΰ ְ  ĭ (compartment) ִ


231. cost/kɔ:st/[^Ʈ]

[] , , Һ,

the ~/kɔ:st/ is so high! / ʹ ()!

[] (p., pp. cost; costing) , (ð ) ɸ, []ϴ

it ~/kɔ:st/ us much time.

/ 츮 ð ɷȴ(ɸ Ͽ).


*cost.ly/kɔ́:st.li:/ [] (-lier; -liest) , , ū

*coast/koust/[ڿ콺Ʈ] [] , ؾ


* : cause/kɔ:z/[^]

[] (opp.effect); (reason); , ٰ,

[] Ǵ; Ű. Ͽ ϰ ϴ

this ~d/kɔ:zt/[^Ʈ] her to change her mind.

/ ̰ ׳ ߴ.


# cost.co/kɑ́s.kou/[ī ́.ڿ]

[] ž


* : (1) и costco ==> 1) cost.co or 2) cos.tco

(2) t ̿ ȴ. ==> cos . co

(3) ȣ ޾ƺ.

1) "(c)+(o)+(s)" => ȴ. o /ä/=/a/[]

2) "(c)+(o)" => ȴ. o /ō/=/ou/[]

3) c ڿ a, o, u /k/[] ==>co/kou/[ڿ]

* : cos.co ==>/kɑ́s.kou/[ī ́.ڿ](o) [ڽƮ](x)

ܾ ´.

costco : ̱ â .

ū Ư¡δ ȸ , ȯ å,


ð ǰ ,

1 1ī å .

Ǹ ϱ ղ⵵ Ѵ.


232. cot.tage/kɑ́t.idʒ/[ ́.]

[] ð , ƴ ,


233. cot.ton/kάt.ən/[ ́.]

[] , ȭ; Ĺȭ, ,

is this a ~/kάt.ən/ shirt? / ̰ Դϱ?

be + ־? = ǹ (־+be = )


234. cough/kɔ:f/[^j]

[] ħ, ħ

i have a heavy ~/kɔ:f/. / ɷȾ.

[] ()ħ ϴ, (Ӿ) ڹϴ, ħ Ͽ (up; out)

she was ~.ing/kɔ́:f.i/[^j ́.] bad.ly/b́d.li:/.

/ ׳ ϰ ħ ϰ ־.


* : gh, ph /f/ .

*laugh/lf/[()^] e.nough/i.nʌ́f/[.^ ́]


235. could/kud/[Y] [ϰ kəd]

[] (could not couldnt [kúdnt]) can ־, [̰] ־, ־ ( ). ִ,


*̱ ü :

could be. / ׷ .

couldnt be better than this. / ̺ .


236. coun.cil/káun.səl/[ī ́.]

[] ȸ, ȸ, ȸ(ȸ )


237. coun.sel/káun.səl/[ī ́.]

[] dz, , (consultation). cf.council. , ǰ, , (ൿ) ȹ, ħ. 󰆴󰇆 ⦗ , ȣ(); ȣ

[] ϴto do

he ~.ed/káun.səld/[ī ́.] me to quit smoking cigarette.

/ ״ Ǵ Ͽ.


@ 238. count/kaunt/[īƮ]

[] , ϴ, ̶ ϴ

lets ~/kaunt/ 1 to 10! / 츮 ϳ !


*count.a.ble/káun.tə.bl/ [] ִ *[] un.coun.ta.ble/ʌ̀n.káun.tə.bl/

/káun.tə.bl/[ī ́..] [ī ́..]

/ʌ̀n.káun.tə.bl/[^ ̀.ī ́..] [^ ̀.ī ́..] о .


239. coun.ter.feit/káun.tər.fìt/[ī ́.(). ̀]

[] , ¥, ġ

the bill you gave me was a ~/káun.tər.fìt/ note.

/ װ () 󿴾.

[] , ¥

the bill you gave me was a ~/káun.tər.fìt/.

/ װ () .


@ 240. coun.try/kʌ́n.tri:/[Ŀ^ ́.Ʈ()]

[] (pl. -.tries) , , (the ) ð,

what ~/kʌ́n.tri:/ are you from? / ΰ?




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