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å 5õ (068)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 277 õ 0 2024-02-26 12:35:43
[ ]

å 5õ (068)

== h (001) ~ (020) ==


(08) h ==


001. hab.it/h́b.it/[^ ́.]

[] , ,

h~/h́b.it/[^ ́.] is (a) second nature.

/ (Ӵ) 2 õ.


* : 22. h /h/[]

(1) տ ٿ д´.

*hand/hnd/[^ȵ] hide/haid/[ϟ] who/hu:/[Ŀ]

hab.it/h́b.it/[^ ́.]


(2) ܾ Ǵ 찡 .

" wh " ϴ ܾ κ h Ͽ

ȣ 缱 / h / ǥϰ ִ. (̽Ĺ)

*wheel.chair/hwí:l.tʃɛ̀ər/[ ́. ü() ̀] what/hwat/[]

humor ̰̽, humour ܾ.

/hjú:.mər/[̿ ́.()]()

/hjú:.mər/[ ́.()]()

̷ ص . ׷ 𸣰

Ϳ ̱ Ϳ ִ.

̱ ִ.

׷ ̽ Ѵ.


(3) h տ c ͼ ch, tch Ǹ /tʃ/ ȴ. * chick.en/tʃík.in/

(4) h տ g ͼ gh Ǹ /f/ ȴ. * laugh/lf/

(5) h տ p ͼ ph Ǹ /f/ ȴ. * phone/foun/


# hab.i.tat/hǽb.ǝ.t̀t/[^ ́..^ ̀]

n. () ȯ; (Ư Ĺ) , , , (Ĺ) ڻ(), , (ǥ) ä;

~ segregation / .

, ּ; ־ ; (ؾ ) ߰; н(Ѩ), ְ.


( ) migrants, however, are free to choose the optimal habitat for survival

during the nonbreeding season and for reproduction during the breeding season.

(2020 ) (38)

׷ ڵ ı ı Ӱ ִ.


002. had/hd/[^]

[] have źл

if you ~/hd/[^] studied hard, you would have passed the exam.

/ ߾ 迡 հ߾ ٵ.

( ſϷ)


*had.nt/h́d.nt/ == had not


# hailey/héi.li:/[ ́.()]

n. () ̸


hes kept it a secret so as not to worry us, hailey explained.

(2023 ) (43)

츮 ʵ з ߾ ϸ ߴ.


@ 003. hair/hɛər/[()]

[] , Ӹī,

my ~/hɛər/[()] is brown.

/ Ӹī ̾.


* : Ӹ ü ų Ұ̹Ƿ ܼϰ



@ 004. half/hf/[^]

[] (pl. halves[hvz]) , .

what is ~/hf/[^] of a 1/2 cup?

/ (ϳ) ſ ΰ?


* : 1/2 = a half, ׳ , half д´.

1/2 = Ȯϰ one over two д´.

1/3 = one third

1/4 = one(a) quarter *one fourth .

ڴ (), и () д´.


@ 005. hall/hɔ:l/[ȣ^]

[] Ȧ, ȸ, , ( )

where is the meeting ~/hɔ:l/[ȣ^] ?

/ ̴ Ȧ() ?


*hall.way/hɔ́:l.wèi/ []


006. halt/hɔ:lt/[ȣ^Ʈ]

[] (߾) , , ֱ(), ޽

[] , []ϴ

there is growing pressure to ~/hɔ:lt/[ȣ^Ʈ] the bloodshed.

/ ¸ ߶ з ż ִ.

[] ϴ, (() ) ҿϴ, â ϴ

how long do you ~/hɔ:lt/[ȣ^Ʈ] between two opinions?

/ ǰ ̿ 󸶳 ӹŸ?


@ 007. ham/hm/[^]

[] (Ŀ)


@ 008. ham.bur.ger/h́m.bə̀:r.gər/[^ ́.() ̀.()]

[] ܹ

let me get one cheese ~/h́m.bə̀:r.gər/[^ ́.() ̀.()]!

/ ġ ܹ ϳ ּ!


* : Ȱ a ٴ one . Ȯ ȴ.

let me get a cheese ~! <== ü,

ü ==> a one .( ȴ.)


009. ham.mer/h́m.ər/[^ ́.()]

[] ġ, ܸ

[] ġ ġ, ( ) ļ ڴ(in; into), () , س, , ( ) ǮϿ ϴ

he ~.ed/h́m.ərd/[^ ́.()] out a plan.

/ ״ ֽἭ ȹ .


@ 010. hand/hnd/[^ȵ]

[] , , ( ) չ, (ٵ ִ ) ޹, (), ( ) , () Թ

wash your ~s/hnds/[^ȵ彺] before meal!

/ Ļ ľ!


*hand.bag/h́nd.b̀g/ [] ڵ, հ

*hand.book/h́nd.́bùk/ [] , ȳ, ȳ, ȳ

*hand.gun/h́nd.́̀n/ []̱.


* : /d/ ص ٴ ǥ÷ /d/ ִ.

׷  ܱ ϰԶ ϴ ͵ .


011. han.di.cap/h́n.di.k̀p/[^ ́..ij^ ̀]

[] ڵĸ, , Ҹ ; ü


*han.di.cap.er/h́n.di.k̀p.ər/ [] ü


@ 012. han.dle/h́n.dl/[^ ́.]

[] , ڵ, ڷ

[] () ٷ, ϴ, ϴ

i can ~/h́n.dl/[^ ́.] your case.

/ ٷ ־.


*̱ ü :

i can handle it. / ־.

i cannot handle it anymore. / ̻ ׿.


013. hand.shake/h́nd.ʃèik/[^ ́.؟ ̀]

[] Ǽϴ.

[] Ǽ; =golden handshake.

we sealed/si:ld/ the prom.ise/prɑ́m.is/ with a ~/h́nd.ʃèik/.

/ 츮 Ǽ Ͽ ߴ.


*hand.shake/h́nd.ʃèik/[^ ́.؟ ̀](o)


014. hand.some/h́n.səm/[^ ́.]

[] (-somer; -somest, more ; most ) dzä , () ,

you are very ~/h́n.səm/ boy.

/ ̾.


015. hang/h/[^]

[] (p., pp. hung[hʌ]) Ŵ޴, ɴ, þ߸

he ~/hʌ/[^] up his hat.

/ ״ ڸ ɾ.


*hang.er/h́.ər/[^ ́.()] [] , ʰ

*hang.ing/h́.i/ [] ɱ, Ŵ޷ þ, , , (pl.) õ []
*hang.(ed) /h(d)/[^()]


*̱ ü :

hang in there. / Ƽ.

hang loose. / ־.

hang on! / !


016. hang.ar/hǽ.ǝr/[^ ́.()]

[] ݳ; ;

the planes in the hangar are being repaired.

/ ݳ ߿ ִ.


# hang.er/h́.ər/[^ ́.()]

n. , ʰ

there are a lot of hang.ers/h́.ərs/[^ ́.()] in the closet.

/ ȿ ʰ̰ ִ.


017. hap.pen/h́p.ən/[^ ́.]

[] Ͼ, , ϴ

what ~.ed/h́p.ənd/[^ ́.] here?

/ ־?


*hap.pen.ed /h́p.ənd/ źл


*̱ ü :

that happens. / ׷ ϵ .


@ 018. hap.py/h́p.i:/[^ ́.]

[] ,

be ~/h́p.i:/[^ ́.]!

/ !


@ 019. hard/hɑ:rd/[Ͼ()]

[] , ܴ, ߰,

if you studied ~/hɑ:rd/[()], you would pass the exam.

/ ߴ 迡 հ ٵ.


*hard.ly/hɑ́:rd.li:/ [] ~ʴ, ݵ[] ƴϴ[ʴ, ϴ]

*hard.ness/hɑ́:rd.nis/ [] ߰; (Ư) ,

*hard.ware/hɑ́:rd.wɛ̀ər/ [] ö, ö, ݼ ǰ, ö.

*har.dy/hά:r.di:/ [](踦 ڸ 翡 ִ) .

[] ִ, Ű ߵ, , ưư.

*hard.en/hɑ́:rd.ən/ [] ,(ݼ) ȭ()ϴ, ϰ ϴ

*hard.en.ed/hɑ́:rd.ənd/ [] ܴ, ȭ, (µ ) ,


* : ܾ ̳ Ǿ Ǵ 찡 ִ.

Ģȭ ܾ Ǹ鼭 ed

ܾ /t/ /id/ /d/ ȴ.


* ̱ ü :

i hardly/hɑ́:rd.li:/ know him. / 𸨴ϴ.

thats hard to say. / ϱ ϳ׿.


after years of hard training, she made an incredible recovery

and found a new passion for bike riding. (2024 ) (45)

Ⱓ Ʒ ׳ ȸ ̷

̵ ο ãҽϴ.


020. hare/hǝr/[()]

[] (pl. ~s, ~) ,



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