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å 5õ (076)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 356 õ 0 2024-03-12 12:37:31
[ ]

å 5õ (076)

== i (041) ~ (060) ==


(09) i ==


041. in.di.cate/ ín.di.kèit /[ ́..ij ̀]

[] Ű, ϴ, ̴

~ the door / () Ű

~ a chair/ () ڸ Ű


# in.dif.ferent/in.díf.ə.rənt/[.L ́..Ʈ]

a. , , ,

she was ~/in.díf.ə.rənt/ to him. / ׳ ׿ ߴ


043. in.di.rect/ìn.də.rékt, -.dai.-/[ ̀..()́]

[] ٸ ( ), ȸϴ, ָ ,

i learned about ~/ìn.də.rékt/ objects in todays grammar class.

/ ð  .


044. in.di.vid.u.al/ìn.də.vídʒ.u.əl/[ ̀.. ́..]

[] (ü), ü, ()

[] , ()

i~/ìn.də.vídʒ.u.əl/ freedom s the basis of democracy.

/ ̷.


045. in.door/ín.dɔ̀:r/[ ́.^() ̀]

[] dz, *[] out.door(áut.dɔ̀r)

there is an ~/ín.dɔ̀:r/ swimming pool in the gym.

/ ü dz ִ.


046. in.dulge/in.dʌ́ldʒ/[.^ ́]

[] ( ) Ű, (޵) ߸ ̴(ȸ ) 㰡ϴ

he ~d/in.dʌ́ldʒd/[.^ ́] in pleasures.

/ ״ ִ.


047. in.dus.tri.al/in.dʌ́s.tri:.əl/[.^ƽ ́.Ʈ().]

[] (), , ()

this is an ~/in.dʌ́s.tri:.əl/ area. / Դϴ.


*in.dus.trious/in.dʌ́s.triəs/ [] ٸ, ; . industrial.

*in.dus.trious.ly/in.dʌ́s.triəs.li:/ [] , ,


048. in.dus.try/ín.dəs.tri:/[ ́..Ʈ()]

[] () , , ٸ

manufacturing ~ / ,

the tourist ~ /

the broadcasting ~ /


049. in.fant/ín.fənt/[ ́.Ʈ]

[] (7 ̸) [] (), ʱ

tourism was then still in its ~/ín.fənt/ stage.

/ ʱܰ迴.


050. in.fect/in.fékt/[.́]

[] Ű; Ű. ȥϴ, ( ) Ű. ġ, ȭϴ. () ġ.

his speech ~.ed/in.fék.tid/[.s ́.] the audience.

/ û߿ ȭ ־.


*in.fec.tion/in.fék.ʃən/ [] (Ư ), ȭ[]


051. in.fin.i.tive/in.fín.ə.tiv/[. ́..M]


(i can go. i want to go. go, to go; to ٴ to-,

to bare [root]


052. in.flect/in.flékt/[.Ʈ ́]

[] (, ) θ, Ű

some ~.ed/in.flék.tid/[. .́] words have irregular spellings.

/ () ߿ ұĢ ö() ͵ ִ.


*in.flec.tion,-.flex.ion/in.flék.ʃən/ [] , , , ȭ,(ܨ)

*in.flec.tion.al /in.flék.ʃən.əl/ []


# in.fluence/ín.fluǝns/[ ́.]

n. (), ۿ; ȭ()

the ~ of the mind on the body / ü ġ .

, Ǽ; ¿ϴ ;

a person of ~ / °.

󰆴 ִ , °,

he is an ~ for good evil.

/ ״ ̲ ι̴

an ~ in the political world / Ƿ.

vt. ġ, ȭϴ

~ a person for good / ƹ ȭ ִ.

¿ϴ, ϴ

our decisions should not be ~d by our prejudices.

/ Կ ־ ߿ ¿Ǿ ȴ.

(ϵ) ̴; ϴ, ˱ϴ

he was ~d by his father to accept it.

/ ״ ģ ǰ߿ װ ޾Ƶ鿴.


when there are a lot of different factors involved and a situation is very uncertain, simple ulas can win out by focusing on the most important factors and being consistent, while human judgement is too easily influenced by particularly salient and perhaps irrelevant considerations. (2023 ) (42)

پ õǾ ְ Ȳ ſ Ȯ , ߿ ο ߰ ϰ ϸ ¸ , ΰ Ǵ Ư ߿ϰ ¼ ׿ ʹ ޽ϴ.


# in./in.fɔ́:rm/[.^() ́]

vt. ˸, (ͱ)ϴ,

the letter ~ed me when the man was coming.

/ ϴ ˾Ҵ.

( ) Ҿִ, Ȱ ϴ, äwith

~ a person with new life / ƹ Ҿִ.

( Ư¡ ) 游Ǿ ִ; Ư¡; () ϴ, Ʒϴ, ġ

the social ideals ~ the culture. / ȸ ̳ ȭ Ư¡ ´.

vi. ִ

its the duty of a newspaper to ~. / ϴ Ź ӹ̴.

аϴ, ϴon; ɑgɑinst

one of the thieves ~ed ɑgɑinst on the others.

/ ϳ ٸ аϿ.


*in.for.mal/in.fɔ́:r.məl/ a.


# in.for.ma.tion/ì̀n.fər.méi.ʃən/[ ̀.(). ́.]

n. ; () , ; ڷ(data); , , ҽ,

he could not obtain any ~ ɑbout their secret activities.

/ ״ ׵ Ȱ ƹ .

, ߹; н a man of wide vast ~ ڽİ.

, . ȳ, ()


# in..a.tive/in.fɔ́:r.mə.tiv/[.^() ́..M]

[] , , ҽ ִ; ߹ ; .

the talk was both ~/in.fɔ́:r.mə.tiv/ and en.ter.tain.ing/èn.tǝr.téi.ni/.

/ ǥ ϱ⵵ ϰ ̵ ־.


~ly ad. ~ness n.


# in.gre.di.ent(s)/in.grí:.di.ǝnt(s)/[.() ́..Ʈ()]

n. (ַ the ~s) (ȥչ) , ռ; ; () of; for, ,

the ~s of making a cake / ũ ʿ .


056. in.hale/in.héil/[. ́]

[] ( ) Ƶ̴, ϴ *[] ex.hale(eks.héil)

on the next ~/in.héil/[. ́], raise your arms your head.

/ Ӹ ø, ̸ .

= , Ӹ ÷.


057. in.i.tial/i.níʃ.əl/[.Ͼ ́.]

[] Ӹ [] ó, , Ӹ

an ~/i.níʃ.əl/ signature / Ӹڸ , .


058. in.ject/in.dʒékt/[.́]

[] ֻϴ, ϴ, (ߺ)ϴ, (ΰ ) ø(into)

i want you to ~/in.dʒékt/ yourself.

/ ϱ⸦ ٶ.


059. in.jure/ín.dʒər/[ ́.()]

[] ó , ġ ϴ, ( ) ջŰ, ( ) Ѽϴ

are you ~d/ín.dʒərd/[ ́.()]? / ƴ?


*in.jur.ing/ín.dʒǝr.i/ л

*in.jur.y/ín.dʒər.i:/ [] () , ó, , ջ


@ 060. ink/ik/[ũ]

[] (ʱμ) ũ, , Թ


* : 38. nk /k/[/ũ]


nk ڿ [] δ.

*pink.y/pí.ki:/[ ́.Ű]



nk ڿ ų ܾ ̸ [oũ] Ѵ.

*thank.less/ɵ́k.lis/[^ũ ́.()] think/ɵik/[ũ]



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