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å 5õ (091)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 268 õ 0 2024-03-30 12:26:22
[ ]

å 5õ (091)

== m (041) ~ (060) ==


(12) m ==


@ 041(1). may/mei/[]

[] () (might [mait]; may not maynt [meint])

[] 𸥴, ص , ()ü (, , ) ϱ

you ~/mei/ go home. / .

it ~/mei/ rain tomorrow. / .


*may.be/méi.bi:/ [] ¼, Ƹ


*̱ ü :

may i interrupt you? / Ƿʸ ص ɱ?

maybe. / ׷ .

maybe not. / ׷ .

maybe some other time. / ٸ ڱ.


@ 041(2). may/mei/[]

[] 5, () λ , û


042. may.or/méi.ər/[ ́.()]

[] (),


043. maze/meiz/[]

[] ̷(ڻ), ̱(ڻ)(labyrinth); ̷ . б, Ȳ, ¿¿

he is in a ~/meiz/. / ״ ٸ 𸣴.

[] ȤŰ, Ȳ ϴ; ڽ ϴ.

she was still ~d/meizd/[] with the drug she had taken.

/ ׳ ׳డ ๰ ߵǾ ־.


# mc.don.alds/mək.da:n.əlds/[ E. پ ́.]

n. ̱ fast food store


* :

(1) mc /mək/ Ǵ /mək/ [E] д´.

(2) ==> mc.donalds ==> donald ==> don.ald

++ 켱 ãƾ Ѵ.

(3) don/da:n/[پ] .

(4) alds/əlds/[] .

: mcdonalds ==> /mək.dɑ́:n.əlds/[ E. پ ́.]

*[++] ܾ(don) ´.


@ 044. me/mi:/[]

[]i , , (me) ö ҷּ.

it is ~/mi:/. / ϴ. ( .)


to read novels is interesting to me.

/ Ҽ д ̷Ӵ.

to read ־ .


* : me [] .

[](o) [-]ϰ 鼭 [-].


*̱ ü :

me, too. / ׷.


@ 045. meal/mi:l/[]

[] Ļ, ()

i have three ~s/mi:ls/[Ͻ] everyday.

/ Դ´.


046. mean/mi:n/[]

[] (p., pp. meant [ment]) ( ) ǹϴ; (ƹ) ϴ, Ͽ Ϸ ϴ. ϴ, ǵϴ

what does this word ~/mi:n/?

/  Դϱ?

[] ( ) ڶ, , () õ, ()

dont be so ~/mi:n/ !

/ ׷ İ !

[] (pl.) =means. () ߾, ߰

the happy mean / ߿ , a ~ to an end ޼


*mean.ing/mí:.ni/ [] ( ) ǹ, , , ȿ, ȿ

*mean.time, mean.while /mí:n.tàim/ [] (the )

[] ̿, ̷ϴ ȿ


*̱ ü :

i mean it. / Դϴ. ƴϿ.

i didnt mean it. / ׷ ƴϿ.

thats what i mean. / װž.

i didnt mean to. / ׷ ǵ ƴϾ.

(Ϻη ׷ ƴϿ.)


# means/mi:nz/[]

n. pl. , of; to;

a ~ to an end / ޼

we have the ~ to prevent the disease but not to cure it.

/ ϴ װ ġϴ .

a) ڱ, , Ư

i dont have ~ to buy a house. / .

b) () ڻ, (riches)

a man of ~ / () ڻ갡


047. meas.ure/méʒ.ər/[ ́.()]

[] , [, ]ϴ, ġ , Ǵϴ, ϴ

she ~d/méʒ.ərd/[ ́.()] her client for her new clothes.

/ ׳ մ ߷ ġ .


* : 43. /ʒ/[/()] :

/dʒ/ óϸ ȴ.


*Ȯ /z/

ѱ ̸ ̷ ʿ䵵 .


*meas.ure/méʒ.ər/[ ́.()] lei.sure/lí:.ʒər/[() ́.()]

clo.sure/klóu.ʒər/[ũ ́.()] pleas.ure/pléʒ.ər/[ ́.()]


*Ȯ /z/

ѱ Ȯ ̸ ̷ ʿ䵵 .

*meas.ure/méʒ.ər/[ ́.()] lei.sure/lí:.ʒər/[() ́.()]

clo.sure/klóu.ʒər/[ũ ́.()] pleas.ure/pléʒ.ər/[ ́.()]


@ 048. meat/mi:t/[̟]

[] (Ŀ ) ̱(ް ) ִ, , ˸

fresh ~/mi:t/.

/ ż ()


049. me.chan.ic/mə.ḱn.ik/[.ij^ ́.]

[] , () , ,


# mech.a.nism/mék.ǝ.nìzm/[ ́.. ̀]

n. (ġ), , , , ġ

the ~ of a clock / ð

the ~ of government / .

ö , . cf.vitalism.

(׸ ) , , , ũ.


@ 050. med.al/méd.əl/[ ́.]

[] ޴, , , , , ȭ[]

gold/gould/ ~/méd.əl/ / ޴

sil.ver/síl.vər/ bronze/brɑnz/


051. med.dle/méd.l/[ ́.]

[] ϴ, ϴwith; in۰Ÿ, ֹ

my grandma is always ~.ing/méd.əl.i/[ ́..] (with us, in our affairs).

/ ҸӴϴ (, 츮 Ͽ) ϽŴ.


# me.di.a/mí:.di.ǝ/[ ́..]

n. ޵ī ʿ ־ ձ.

medium ; (the ~) Ž, Ž̵; ǻü.


n. (pl. -diae [-diì]) غ() ߸(د); ߸(); () Ŀ .


decades ago, it was unusual for earth scientists to have results

that were of interest to the media, and consequently few media contacts

were expected or encouraged. (2024 ) (41)


̷̾ ǰų ʾҽϴ.


052. med.i.cine/méd.i.sən/[ ́..]

[] , *[] drug(drʌg)


*med.i.cal/méd.i.kəl/ [] , Ǽ(Ƿ), Ǿ


053. med.i.tate/méd.ə.tèit/[ ́..Ÿ ̀]

[] ϴ, ()ϴ, ȹϴ, ϴ, []ϴ

he said he needed to ~/méd.ə.tèit/.

/ ״ ʿϴٰ ߴ.


*med.i.ta.tion/mèd.ə.téi.ʃən/ [] , () ; , ; (pl.) .


054. me.di.um/mí:.di.əm/[ ́..]

[] ߰, ,


@ 055. meet/mi:t/[̟]

[] (p., pp. met [met]) , ġ, ¼, ȸϴ

nice to ~/mi:t/ you! / ݰϴ!


*meet.ing/mí:t.i/ [] , ħ, ȸ. ,

*nice meeting you! ݰϴ.


056. mel.o.dy/mél.ə.di:/[ ́..]

[]ε, , (), ,


@ 057. mel.on/mél.ən/[ ́.]

[]Ĺ, (musk ~), (water~) (̱Ӿ) (ֿ) Ư


# mel.an.chol.y/mél.ən.kɑ̀:l.i:/[ ́..ī ̀.]

n. (ü) , ; .syn⟩ ⇨sorrow.

a. , , , ħ.

a deep ~/mél.ən.kɑ̀:l.i:/ runs through her poetry.

/ ׳ ÿ ϴ.


059. mem.ber/mém.bər/[ ́.()]

[] (üȸ ) Ͽ, ȸ() *membership card / ȸ

my family has 4 members.

/ 4̴.

ո(family) ŸǷ ܼ has


*mem.ber.ship/mém.bər.ʃìp/ [] ȸ ڰ


060. mem.o.ry/mém.ə.ri:/[ ́..()]

[] , , () ȸ, ߾, ߵ(), (),

she has a good ~/mém.ə.ri:/.

/ ׳ ߾ ִ.


*mem.o/mém.ou/ [] () , ޸

*me.mor.i.al/mi.mɔ́:r.i.əl/ [] , ߵ [] [,], []

*mem.o.rize/mém.ə.ràiz/ [] ϴ, ϱϴ, ϴ



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