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4 ü( 02 )

LV47alexҹ ȸ 216 õ 0 2024-04-27 11:38:00
[ ]

== 4 ü( 02 ) ==

ܾ 8 ǰ

(Ӱ 縦 ǥѴ.) Ϲ be .

be , -̴, -ִ ִ.

be 縦 ʿ .


: ׻ ϰ ؼ о ϰ

ϱϷ .

Ǯ 帧 ϰ ȴ.


ex 9 ׳ her bag ̴ is.

(that) (is) (her) (bag).

q 15 ̰͵[] these his pens ̴ are.

(thes-) (-re) (-is) (pen-). ===> these are his pens.

q 16 ͵ my ƴϴ are not.

(thos-) (ar-) (no-) (-y) (-ens).


ex10 [] you who Դϱ are?

(who) (are) (you)?

q 17 ׳[] she Դϱ is?

(wh-) (-s) (-he)?

q 13 [] i Դϱ am?

(-ho) (-m) (i)?


ex11 [] i ӽ james Դϴ am.

(i) (am) (james).

q 19 ׳[] she jane Դϴ is.

(-he) (-s) (jane).

q 20 [] he mack Դϴ is.

(h-) (i-) (mack).


ex12 H jack Դϱ are?

(are) (you) (jack)?

q 21 ׳ jane Դϱ is?

(-s) (-he) (-ne)?

q 22 ڴ mack Դϱ?

(-s) (h-) (-k)?


ex13 [] john ƴմϴ am not.

(i) (am) (not) (john).

q 23׳ [] jane ƴմϴ is not.

(-he) (-s) (n-) (jane).

q 24 ڴ [] mack ƴմϴ is not.

(h-) (-s) (-t) (-ac-).


ex14 which yours Դϱ is?

(which) (is) (yours)?

q 25 ׳ hers Դϱ is?

(wh-) (-s) (-ers)?

q 26 mine Դϱ is?

(-ich) (i-) (-ine)?


ex15 bag Դϱ is?

(which) (is) (your) (bag)?

q 27 my pencil Դϱ is?

(-ch) (i-) (-y) (-ncil)?

q 28 ׵ their Դϱ is?

(-ch) (-s) (th-) (ba-)?


ex16 [] where ֽϱ are?

(where) (are) (you)?

q 29 [] i ֽϱ am?

( -here) (-m) (i)?

q 30 ڴ ֽϱ is?

(whe-) (i-) (-e)?


ex17 here ֽϴ am.

(i) (am) (here).

q 31 ׳ ⿡ ֽϴ is.

(-e) (-s) (-ere).

q 32 ֽϴ are.

(-ou) (ar-) (-re).


ex 18 ʾҴ was not.

(i) (was) (not) (here).

q 33 ʾҴ were not.

(yo-) (we-) (-ot) (-re).

q 34 ׳ ⿡ ʾҴ was not.

(sh-) (-as) (-ot) (he-).


<02 ȣ ѱ > * ܾ д .

1) am /m/[^] 2) bag /bg/[^] 3) he /hi:/[]

4) here /hiər/[()] 5) i /ai/[] 6) james /dʒeimz/[]

7) jane /dʒein/[] 8) jack /dʒk/[^] 9) john /dʒɑ:n/[ھ]

10) my /mai/[] 11) mack /mk/[^] 12) pens /pens/[ҽ]

13) pen.cil /pén.səl/[ ́.] 14) she /ʃi:/[] 15) their /ɛər/[()]

16) was /wəz/[] 17) were /wər/[()]

18) where /hwɛər/[()] 19) which /hwitʃ/[] 20) who /hu:/[Ŀ]


<߼()> : 02. Ě /e/[] :

/e/[] ѱ [] ״ ϸ ȴ.


* : [e+] Ǵ [+e+] ̷ .

*egg/eg/[] else/els/[ٽ] end/end/[ص]

pen/pen/[] ten/ten/[] when/hwen/[]


lesson 2 : step 1-2 :


ex 9 ׳ ̴. that is her bag.

q 15 ̰͵ ̴. these are his pens.

q 16 ͵ ƴϴ. those are not my pens.


ex10 Դϱ? who are you?

q 17 ׳ Դϱ? who is she?

q 18 Դϱ? who am i?


ex11 ӽԴϴ. i am james.

q 19 ׳ Դϴ. she is jane.

q 20 ڴ Դϴ. he is mack.


ex12 HԴϱ? are you jack?

q 21 ׳ Դϱ? is she jane?

q 22 ڴ Դϱ? is he mack?


ex13 ƴմϴ. i am not john.

q 23 ׳ ƴմϴ. she is not jane.

q 24 ڴ ƴմϴ. he is not mack.


ex14 Դϱ? which is yours?

q 25 ׳ Դϱ? which is hers?

q 26 Դϱ? which is mine?


ex15 Դϱ? which is your bag?

q 27 Դϱ? which is my pencil?

q 28 ׵ Դϱ? which is their bag?


ex16 ֽϱ? where are you?

q 29 ֽϱ? where am i?

q 30 ڴ ֽϱ? where is he?


ex17 ⿡ ֽϴ. i am here.

q 31 ׳ ⿡ ֽϴ. she is here.

q 32 ⿡ ֽϴ. you are here.


ex18 ⿡ ʾҴ. i was not here.

q 33 ⿡ ʾҴ. you were not here.

q 34 ׳ ⿡ ʾҴ. she was not here.


LV47alexҹ ٸ [ ]
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å 6õ (163)
< б 2 : Ȭ>(2)[1]

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