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å 5õ (116)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 216 õ 0 2024-05-01 11:36:58
[ ]

å 5õ (116)

== p (241) ~ (261) ==




241. prove/pru:v/[()Y]

[] (d; d, proven [prúvən]) ϴ, (ء)ϴ

i can ~/pru:v/ that his answer is right.

/ ִ.


*proof/pru:f/ [] , ż,


242. pro.vide/prə.váid/[().ٟ ́]

[] ϴ, ϴ, Ӹϴ, Ӹ Ӹϴ

~ a person with food =~ food for a person

/ ƹ Ļ縦 .

cows ~/prə.váid/ milk for us [to us].

/ ϼҴ 츮 Ѵ.


243. pub.lic/pʌ́b.lik/[^ ́.()]

[/] (), Ϲ (), ()

*public school (, ij)߰ б, () 縳 б

i was a ~/pʌ́b.lik/ official [officer]. / ().


*public school == (, ij)߰ б, () 縳 б


# pub.lish/pʌ́b.liʃ/[^ ́.()]

[] ǥǥϴ, Ƿϴ; (ȥ ) ǥϴ

( ) ϴ, (å ) ϴ.

the new house will start to ~ next month.

/ ȸ ޿ ǻ Ѵ.


*pub.lished/pʌ́b.liʃt/ publish źл


244. pud.dle /pʌ́d.l/[^ ́.]

[] , ̱ 𷡸 ̱ ; ڹ, ׹.

[] ; ̷ . ߶ ʰ ϴ,

p~/pʌ́d.l/ up the hole. / ߶ ޿!


@ 245. pull/pul/[Ǯ]

[] , , ܼ ̴ *[] push(puʃ)

i have to ~/pul/ out my tooth. / ġƸ ̾ƾ .


* : [Ǫ].

[Ǫ-]ϸ鼭 Լ ణ и õ忡 Ͽ [Ǯ].

׵ [ p/ u/ l/ ] д´.


246. pulse/pʌls/[^˽]

[] ƹ, , ĵ

[] ƹ ٴ, ٴ, ĵ ٴ

music ~d/pʌlst/[^˽Ʈ] through the building.

/ ǹ 귶.


247. pump/pʌmp/[^]

[] , , , [] () Ǫ, ۳, (ü ) ϴ, () Źϴ

he ~.ed/pʌmpt/ me for the ination.

/ ״ ij ߴ.


@ 248. pump.kin/pʌ́mp.kin/[^ ́.Ų]
[]Ĺȣ, ȣ ٱ[]


* : ȣ .


249. punch/pʌntʃ/[^ġ]

[] մ ⱸ, Ÿα(),  ⱸ, Ÿ, ()

[] ( մ ⱸ) մ, ָ ġ, ( ) ڴ

he ~.ed/pʌntʃt/[^ġƮ] toms chin.

/ ״ tom ο ġ Ͽ.


* : Ģȭ 翡 ed ˾ƾ

~.ed/pʌntʃt/[^ġƮ] д ˰ ϰ ȴ.

̹ Ǿ.


250. pun.ish/pʌ́n.iʃ/[^ ́.̾]

[] ( Ǵ ˸) ϴ, ¡ϴ,() Ÿϴ, ȥִ

they ~.ed/pʌ́n.iʃt/[^ ́.̾Ʈ] him with a fine.

/ ׵ ׿ ߴ.


*pun.ish.a.ble/pʌ́n.iʃ.ə.bl/ [] ִ, ó , óؾ .

*pun.ish.ment/pʌ́n.iʃ.mənt/ [] , ó, ¡, ¡, , Ȥ


251. pu.pil/pjú:.pəl/[ǿ ́.]

[] л( ʵлл)̼


@ 252. pup.py/pʌ́p.i:/[^ ́.]

[] ( )


# pur.chase/pə́:r.tʃəs/[۾() ́.ó]

vt. , ϴ

~ a book (ɑtfor ten dollars) / å (10޷ ְ) .

( ) żϴ. () ŷ .

n. , , of

the ~ of a house / ñ.

( pl.) ǰ

fill the basket with ones ~s / ǵ ָ ä.

( ġ) ȹ, Լ.


254. pure/pjuər/[ǿ()]

[] (), ܼ. , , , ; ().

this is ~/pjuər/ sur.mise/sǝr.máiz/ on my part.

/ ̰ 忡 ̴


255. pur.ple/pə́:r.pl/[۾() ́.]

[/] ޺()


256. pur.pose/pə́:r.pəs/[۾() ́.۽]

[] , , ,

what is your ~/pə́:r.pəs/ to visit america?

/ ̱ 湮 ΰ?


@ 257. purse/pə:rs/[۾()]

[] ( ) Ǹ, () Ǫ(up). () ִ(up).

[] ( ʴ ) ָӴ,̱ ڵ, α, ,

keep your ~/pə:rs/ in your handbag.

/ ڵ鿡 ־ ֶ.


*pur.ser /pə́:r.sǝr/[۾() ́.()]

[] () ; () ȸ(paymaster).


258. pur.sue/pǝr.sú:/[(). ́]

[] Ѵ, ϴ; ߰ϴ ߱ϴ (ƹ) ٴϴ, (ƹ) Ӿ

he ~d/pǝr.sú:d/[().L ́] the teacher with a lot of questions.

/ ״ .


*pur.sued/pǝr.sú:d/[().L ́] pursue źл


@ 259. push/puʃ/[Ǫ]

[] д, ġ, о ̴

push/puʃ/ the door! / о!


@ 260. put/put/[]

[] , δ, ġϴ, ̴

p~/put/ your bag here! / ֶ!


@ 261. puz.zle/pʌ́z.l/[^ ́.]

[] , , , Ȥ

[] Ȥ ϴ, óϰ

this question ~s/pʌ́z.ls/[^ ́.] me.

/ ƹ ص 𸣰ڴ.

( Ȥ Ѵ.)


[ Ǯ]


099. i like reading a detective story.

/ Ž Ҽ д .

־(i) + (like) + (reading a detective story)

(reading a detective story): (reading)

+ (a detective story)



100. the reason for packaging eggs by the dozen is somewhat obscured by time.

/ ٽ (12) ϴ ð 鼭 ټ ȣ.

跮 Ÿ by the + .



101. one of his responsibilities is attending meetings.

/ å ϳ ȸǿ ϴ ̴.

־(one of his responsibilities) + (is) + (attending meetings)




102. if it rains tomorrow, i wont go to the beach.

/ , غ ž.

if ܼ(rains) + ̷(wont go)



103. there is a restaurant near the company. the restaurant serves good food.

/ ȸ ó Ĵ ִ. Ĵ Ѵ.

there is a restaurant near the company. Ư Ĵ

the restaurant serves good food. ̹ Ĵ Ư Ĵ



104. rome was not built in a day.

/ θ Ϸħ ʾҴ.

簡 ϳ(one) ǹ̸ ִ.

(build) ü ƯϱⰡ (rome) ־



105. i saw him studying late in his room.

/ װ 濡 ʰԱ ϴ Ҵ.

־(i) + (saw) + (him) + (studying) + ľ(late in his room)




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